College of Arts, Humanities and Education staff

Robert Burstow
Associate Professor of History and Theory of Art

As Associate Professor of History and Theory of Art, Dr Robert Burstow leads students undertaking post-graduate research in Arts and supervises PhD students researching the history and theory of art and/or contemporary Fine Art practice. He also teaches on the BA (Hons) Fine Art and MA Fine Art programmes. He has published extensively on the history of twentieth-century British art.

Anna Burton reading a book in a forest setting
Lecturer in English Literature

Anna Burton is a Lecturer in English Literature at the University of Derby.

Jo Byrd
Assistant Head of Discipline Primary ITE

Jo Byrd is the Programme Leader for the B.Ed and M.Edu Programme. Jo has presented at TEAN twice and published in TEAN, FORUM and co-written a chapter on Early Years Teachers.  She is currently working on her doctorate examining, 'How Whiteness Manifests itself in Teacher Education'.

Robert at his graduation ceremony
Postgraduate Research Student

Robert is currently researching practical applications of spatial concepts in acousmatic music with regard to listener experience and interaction, as well as potential aesthetic contribution to a variety of musical genres.

Christos Callow Jr, lecturer in creative writing at Derby
Lecturer in Creative and Professional Writing

As a Lecturer in Creative & Professional Writing, Dr Christos Callow teaches scriptwriting BA modules and supervises creative writing MA students via creative workshops, seminars and lectures.

Neil Campbell
Emeritus Professor of American Studies

Neil's main role is to support research students towards a successful PhD outcome and to help guide and develop staff in their pursuit of high quality publications. In addition, extending his own research and publications is uppermost in his current role.

Alex Canner presenting
Programme Leader BA Journalism / Senior Lecturer in Journalism

Alex is a Senior Lecturer in Journalism and specialises in broadcast media, teaching all aspects of writing, recording and editing techniques across TV, radio and Multimedia. 

Cath sitting at a desk using a laptop computer situated on a pile of books
Lecturer in Performance

Cath Badham is a Lecturer on the BA (Hons) Technical Theatre. Previously, she worked in Stage Management (as Cath Booth) with companies such as Sheffield Theatres, Nottingham Playhouse, The Royal Exchange Theatre The Stephen Joseph Theatre and the RSC. Her professional experience helps to develop the next generation of theatre production practitioners.

Sarah Charles at an open day.
Head of the Institute of Education

As Head of Discipline for Primary ITE Dr Sarah Charles has responsibility for overseeing the leadership/management of the Core PGCE, School Direct Primary, BEd/MEdu and iPGCE programmes. She also teaches on a range of modules across these programmes and supervises a number of Doctoral students.

Associate Professor of Creative Writing

Matthew Cheeseman is a writer. He works across fiction and non-fiction, drawing on critical theory and cultural studies, often collaborating with others to create books and pamphlets. He is Associate Professor of Creative Writing and Programme Leader for MA Creative Writing. A folklorist, he researches neoliberalism in post-war popular culture.