Sexual Misconduct Support

Our Sexual Violence and Misconduct Liaison Officers (SVLOs) are trained to support students who have been directly or indirectly affected by recent or historical incidents of sexual misconduct. 

What is sexual misconduct, violence and abuse?

What support is available?

Our SVLOs (Sexual Violence Liaison Officers) are available to offer confidential, one-to-one support to all members of the University and will listen empathetically and without judgement. 

They can:
Provide information on reporting options, both within the University and externally
Liaise with internal and external parties to link you up to the right support
Support you to access the options you decide is right for you

They won't:
Pressure you down a reporting path or to access an option you don't want
Expect you to disclose more information than you feel able to

Support can be accessed in person, over the phone, or via Microsoft Teams in normal University working hours.

To access this service, email us at or call 01332 593000

Reporting Routes

On reporting your situation to the University via the cause for concern reporting form you will be offered a meeting with an SVLO (Sexual Violence Liaison Officer).  Your safety will be a priority, so if the reported party is another student any relevant steps will be taken to ensure your immediate safety (if the reported party is an external person we can offer guidance on this).

The SVLO will guide you with the support options you may want to access so you can get a better understanding of what actions or information you could access, this may include going to the police, accessing external support through external organisations or raising a concern with the University through the misconduct procedures. 

The Derbyshire Police website explains how to directly report sexual violence. You will be supported by a Independent Sexual Violence Advisor who will support you. 

If you would like support around any impact on your academic studies, please contact 

If the reported party is also a student at the University it is important to note that any University processes related to the situation will be put on hold until the criminal proceedings are concluded. 

You can also report sexual violence and misconduct to the Union of Students. They also have Sexual Violence Liaison Officers (SVLOs) who are able to offer support, advice and guidance.