SMART targets

Our Environmental Objectives are reviewed on an annual basis as part of our Environmental Management System.

Reduce scope 1 and 2 emissions to net zero

A Carbon Reduction strategy is currently under development to prioritise projects for reducing our carbon emissions. This will include investigation into exciting renewable projects such as solar farms, solar carports, heat pumps and wind turbines as well as improvements to the fabric of our buildings. 

Reduce water consumption by 5% using 2022/23 as a baseline

During 2022/23 we consumed 136868 cubic meters of water on our sites. We are rolling out the installation of half-hourly water meters to help us monitor our consumption more accurately. This will enable us to detect leaks and understand where we consume the most water.

Increase on-site recycling to 50%

On-site recycling for 2022/23 was 39%. To achieve this target, food recycling will be rolled out, disposable packaging and cups significantly reduced and reverse vending machines introduced.

Increase wildflower areas across all sites from 250m2 to 1000m2

There are pollinator patches at Kedleston Road, Markeaton Street and Buxton. Further areas will be added in 2024 to Kedleston Road and Chesterfield.

Reduce emissions from refrigerants by removing all R22 fluorinated Gas from HVAC

We currently still have 11.66kg of R22 remaining in our systems. This is currently well managed and checked regularly for leaks in line with legislation. However, R22 is a particularly harmful refrigerant and we are therefore planning to remove it completely to eliminate the risk of harmful releases to the atmosphere.

Increase active travel amongst students commuting to the University from 19% to 25%.

19% of students stated they walk or cycle to University in the 2022/23 student travel survey. Planned initiatives to increase this percentage include the creation of mobility hubs at our sites, the promotion of walking and cycling routes and the introduction of e-bikes on campus.

Achieve an EPC A for the new Business School

Sustainability and energy efficiency are being embedded into the development of the new Business School.

100% of staff will have engaged with the Civic and Public Engagement Roadshow

To find out more about our Civic work and goals, please visit our Civic Hub.

Increase spend with suppliers within a 25 mile radius of the University to 30%.

In 2022/23 20% of the University's spend was with suppliers in the region.