Dan's story video transcript

Dan Jellicoe, BSc (Hons) Entertainment Engineering graduate:

"One of the great things about my course is having the links to industry. Right from the first year, we were thrown into setting up for live events and I've had some fantastic experiences."

We see:

"I've worked with Cloudbase - an outside broadcast specialist, presented on the Union of Students radio station and at University Open Days. I started working in live events whilst I was at school. I couldn't play an instrument but I still wanted to be involved, so I started with the technical side of things.

We see:

"Studying this course has brought out my passion for live broadcasting and presenting. I enjoy being behind the scenes running the show as much as being in front of the cameras. The pandemic brought along different opportunities: I was able to get involved with live streams and broadcasts. It was great to be studying a course that adapted to the environment and stayed current."

We see:

"I've made some great contacts to help me get a role in the industry for when I graduate. I'd love to work for a broadcasting company, but my end goal is to move into teaching to share my knowledge with others. I can't wait to see where my degree takes me next."

The video ends with an image of the three peaks University of Derby logo.

Dan's story video

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