Appendix 2. Reporting and responding to a safeguarding concern

Appendix 2. Reporting and responding to a safeguarding concern

Safeguarding is everybody's concern. If you have a concern about a member of our University community you must report this using the cause for concern reporting form. Even if you are not sure if the concern constitutes safeguarding, please report it.
Raise all concerns, no matter how small you think it might be, no concern is too small to share.

Your role is never to decide whether there is enough evidence or if the allegation is supported by evidence. Your only responsibility is to raise the concern, to allow that person to be protected. The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) will determine what action(s) will be taken.

In an emergency
In an emergency (for example, where there is an immediate and significant danger or a criminal act has been witnessed), call emergency services directly on 999. 
If this is an emergency on campus, please also call Security on 01332 597 77 so that Security can support the response. The Designated Safeguarding Lead or Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead should be informed as soon as possible followed by completing the cause for concern reporting form.

For non-emergency concerns
Your concern is about an apprentice or an FE student at BLC - Contact 01298 330 414 (x4414) or report via My Concern 
Your concern is about a student or someone connected to a student or staff at UoD – report this using the cause for concern reporting form or contact the DSL or DDSL via 01332 593000.

The DSL will assess and either:
⦁    Provide advice to you 
⦁    Make a referral to the relevant external body
⦁    Contact the individual of concern to provide support, advice and guidance

The information about your concern will be recorded securely, and you will be emailed to confirm receipt of your concern, including advising you of the action taken (where appropriate).

Safeguarding Officer response.

If the concerns received by the DSL/DDSL are that a Child or Adult at Risk is    in immediate danger the DSL/DDSL should call the police on 999.

All concerns reported to the DSL/DDSL will be considered. It is the responsibility of the DSL/DDSL to reach a decision as to whether a referral needs to be made to external agencies (including adult or children's social care, the LADO, the police and/or the Police/DBS) and to make any such referral.
The DSL and DDSL’s general approach to external referrals should be as follows:

⦁    reporting to the resident local authority’s children’s social care department where an allegation involves a child (under the age of 18); or to the resident local authority’s adult social care department where an allegation involves an Adult at Risk
⦁    reporting to the LADO (Local Authority Designated Officer) and seeking advice in situations where a safeguarding allegation is made against a member of staff
⦁    Contacting the police where there is concern a crime may have been committed

If the DSL/DDSL is in any doubt as to whether a referral should be made to any external agency, advice should be sought directly from the external agency or in the case of a child safeguarding concern, from the NSPCC Helpline (0808 800 5000) in the first instance.

UOD adopts a policy of "no delay". UOD will endeavour to make all referrals within 24 hours (one working day) of a serious concern or disclosure coming to light. When a referral is made, the DSL/DDSL making the referral will record the name and role of the member of staff or police officer to whom the concerns were passed, together with the time and date of the call/referral, and a summary of the concern.

If a concern is allayed and a decision is made not to make a referral, UOD is still required to record details of the concern and reasons why a referral was not made. This information may become relevant later if further concerns emerge.