Appendix 1. Safeguarding Training Plan

Level Target Audience Staff Group Training Frequency

Staff who have occasional contact with children or adults at risk, who may become aware of possible abuse, neglect or other safeguarding-related concerns including radicalisation. This group identifies staff who are deemed key to the delivery of the Prevent Duty. Staff need to understand:

✓ What is abuse?

✓ Signs and indicators of harm, abuse and radicalisation

✓ What to do in response to concerns (how to notice, check and share)

All Staff

Safeguarding (including Prevent) e-Learning

Supplemented by regular updates via the staff bulletin regarding safeguarding

Completed during induction and thereafter two yearly, plus annual updates


Staff who regularly interact with children or adults at risk, who may be able to identify concerns about abuse, harm or radicalisation. Staff need to understand:

✓ How to record information

✓ How to share information

✓ Safeguarding roles and responsibilities

Local Safeguarding Leads

Member of UEB

Members of Board of Governors

Safeguarding (including Prevent) eLearning


Safeguarding: Prevent training for University staff 

As above supplemented with annual updates/face to face sessions


Staff who work predominantly with children or adults at risk, who could potentially contribute to assessing, planning, intervening and reviewing the needs of a child or adult at risk. Staff need to understand:

✓ How agencies work together to identify, assess and respond to safeguarding concerns

✓ Impact of issues such as domestic abuse, substance misuse and mental health

✓ Working with complex family dynamics

✓ Lessons from serious case reviews

✓ Current policy, research and practice developments

✓ Trauma-informed responses

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Complex Case and Safeguarding Officer

Child Protection Training (via the NSPCC or DDSCP)


Adult Safeguarding Training (via the NSPCC or DDSCP)


Safeguarding: Prevent training for university staff 

As above plus Induction training (by completing the two courses listed here)

Two-yearly update training (in a relevant safeguarding subject)

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