2 Strategic aims and objectives

2.1 Target groups

In analysing our assessment of performance, we conclude that our target groups will be black students (continuation, attainment and progression), students from IMD quintile 1 (continuation and attainment), disabled students (attainment) and Asian students (progression).

2.2 Aims and objectives

Our aims and objectives are stretching and ambitious, focusing on those areas where we have identified the most significant gaps and where we believe we can have the greatest impact relative to our institutional context. We are seeking to eliminate the unexplained gaps for our target groups by 2025, and to eliminate the absolute gaps by 2030. Some of the factors that contribute to these gaps are structural, for example, entry qualification, subject of study, age of students, and our own institutional context. We recognise that some interventions will take longer to take effect.

Our measurable objectives for 2020-21 to 2024-25 are to:

  1. Eliminate unexplained gaps in continuation, degree outcomes and progression between white and black students
  2. Eliminate the unexplained gaps in continuation and degree outcomes between students from IMD quintiles 1 and 5
  3. Eliminate the gap in degree outcomes between disabled and non-disabled students
  4. Eliminate unexplained gaps in progression between white and Asian students