Process Thinking Research Cluster

The Process Thinking Cluster is an applied research cluster that is focused on process innovation. Process innovation is about discovering new ways of doing things, and embedding creativity within process improvement frameworks and methodologies. It also involves developing business structures and cultures that embrace creativity and change, and it is about capitalising on technological innovations to achieve leaps in business performance.
As processes are at the heart of business operations, we believe that structured approaches to process improvement that are underpinned by practices that tap into, and enhance, the creativity of the workforce are key to success. 

Our aims

Research shows that process innovation can be achieved by drawing on and bringing together the inherent strengths of existing business improvement techniques such as:

For instance, Process Reengineering encourages fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes, TOC brings focus, and logical thinking to the leverage points where improvements would generate the most benefit for companies, Lean Thinking facilitates waste reduction, process flexibility, and stability, and TRIZ enables lateral thinking, creativity and foresight.

The challenge is not just in understanding these techniques or how to bring them together, but also in knowing how to make them work well in individual and specific situations. This is the area that we have been researching, developing and refining our expertise.

We can apply them in various business processes such as (but not limited to):

We are particularly keen to work with organisations on collaborative projects such as Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP). KTP is a UK government initiative that helps businesses to improve their competitiveness, productivity and business performance through well-structured and strategic projects developed in partnerships with UK academic institutions. A partnership utilises the knowledge, technology and skills within an academic institution to meet a key strategic objective of a company by identifying and implementing innovative solutions that facilitate business growth. 

Research Cluster Team

Our research

Management KTP with Derbyshire Wildlife Trust

We currently have management KTP with Derbyshire Wildlife Trust to support them in developing a holistic business and organisational model. The aim is to transform their land and habitat management expertise and build capability to operate commercially by providing a range of professional services in relation to biodiversity net gain, wellbeing improvement, carbon sequestration, nitrate and phosphate mitigation.

This is 2-year project starting in April 2023.

Find out more about this research

Join us

If you would like to know more about Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTP) or how KTP collaborations may apply to your specific situation, or are a PhD student, researcher, lecturer or company representative interested in any of the research areas mentioned above, please contact Dr Tony Anosike at


  • Anosike, A. Alafropatisb, K., Garza-Reyes, J.,Kumar, A., Luthra, S. Rocha-Lona, L. (2021) Lean manufacturing and internet of things – A synergetic or antagonist relationship? Computers in Industry 129 (2021) 103464.  
  • Anosike, A., Loomes, H., Udokporo, C.K., Garza-Reyes, J. (2021). Exploring the challenges of electric vehicle adoption in final mile parcel delivery. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications. 
  • Thorley, J; Garza-Reyes, J; Anosike, A. (2021). Circular economy: a conceptual model to measure readiness for manufacturing SMEs. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 1463-5771. DOI 10.1108/BIJ-03-2021-0161. 
  • Udokporo, C.; Anosike, A.; Lim, M.; (2020) “A decision-support framework for Lean, Agile and Green Practices in product life cycle stages”, Production Planning & Control, DOI: 10.1080/09537287.2020.1764124. (Estimated Contribution 35% out of 3 contributors) 
  • Udokporo, C.; Anosike, A.; Lim, M.; Nadeem, S.; Garza-Reyes, J. (2020) “Impact of Lean, Agile and Green (LAG) on Business Competitiveness: An Empirical Study of Fast Moving Consumer Goods Businesses”, Journal of Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 156 (2020) 104714, DOI: 10.1016/j.resconrec.2020.104714. (Estimated Contribution 30% out of 5 contributors) 
  • Frederico, G.F; Garza-Reyes, J.; Anosike, A.; Kumar, V. (2019) “Supply Chain 4.0: Concepts, Maturity and Research Agenda”, Supply Chain Management, International Journal, DOI: 10.1108/SCM-09-2018-0339 (Estimated Contribution 25% out of 4 contributors) 
  • Dieste, M.; Panizzolo, R.; Garza-Reyes, J.; Anosike, A. (2019) “The Relationship between Lean and Environmental Performance: Practices and Measures”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 224(2019) 120-131, DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.03.243(Estimated Contribution 20% out of 4 contributors) 
  • Cherrafi, A., Elfezazi, S., Hurley, B., Garza-Reyes, J., Kumard, V., Anosike, A., Batista, L. (2019) “Green and Lean: A Gemba–Kaizen Model for Sustainability Enhancement” Production Planning & Control, 30:5-6, 385-399, DOI: 10.1080/09537287.2018.1501808 (Estimated Contribution 15% out of 7 contributors) 
  • Garza-Reyes, J; Salomé Valls, A; Nadeem, S; Anosike, A; Kumar, V., (2018) “A Circularity Measurement Toolkit for Manufacturing SMEs”, International Journal of Production Research, DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2018. (Estimated Contribution 20% out of 5 contributors)