Student Portal orientation

Now that you understand more about how you will learn, this section will provide you with an orientation of the platform in which your learning will take place - the Student Portal.

Before we look at the portal in detail, watch this short video about how it fits within the broader learning experience.

A man talking about the student portal UDo

View Welcome to Your Online Studies video transcript

Video embed-

The Student Portal forms the basis of your online study and it is essential that you learn to move around the system effectively and locate the information and resources you require to support your learning.

Information is available within the Student Orientation (available once you are enrolled) on how to make the most of free and supportive software to further enable you during your studies.

Once you are enrolled onto your programme, your tutor and online learner advisors are on hand to answer any questions you have about navigating around the Student Portal and where to find the information you need.

You have now completed our Guide to Online Learning. If you would now like to review any of the information again you can select 'Preparing for your studies' to review previous sections.

Preparing for your studies