This page is dedicated to students studying on a Student Visa or Other UK visa category and students with Settled or Pre-settled Status under the EU Settlement Scheme (EUSS)
Listed below are the conditions that you need to fulfil in order to enrol on your course and successfully complete your degree without experiencing any immigration implications. You must comply with the conditions below during the entire duration of your course.
Please note that you must provide the original copies of all the required documents to us on campus as required in the Overseas and EU students enrolment guide By not providing us with relevant documents, you may be in breach of your visa responsibilities and regulations. Failure to comply with the conditions below could lead to withdrawal from the course and the cancellation of your visa.
Please read the conditions below that will apply to you based on your type of immigration status.
Student studying on a Student visa or Other UK visa category
To enrol on your course, you must provide the following documents as evidence of your right to study in the UK:
- Front and back of your Biometric Residence Permit (BRP)
- Passport information page
- Stamped Vignette on your passport given by UKVI that shows the current date of entry into the UK
- Any previous vignettes on your passport given by UKVI that allowed you to enter the UK
In addition to the above documents, you must also;
- Enrol for your course on time, including re-enrolment for returning students and enrolment to retake failed modules
- Attend all classes and any other academic engagements, notifying your Supervisors/Personal Academic Tutor/Programme Leader if you are going to be absent or travel during your studies
- Seek permission/written approval if you require authorised absence for a short period due to personal reasons
- Make satisfactory academic progression on your course and meet all scheduled deadlines
- Ensure that your details with the University of Derby and UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) are up to date. You can access the online UKVI form to update your details
- Contact if there are changes in your course status. For example, if you will be withdrawing, deferring, or changing course. This does not apply to those who do not possess a Student Visa
- Ensure that you do not overstay your visa and where necessary, submit a new visa application before your current visa expires if you are eligible to do so
- Ensure that you provide a copy of your new BRP to the Visa team if you have been granted permission to extend your stay in the UK. You will need to send an email to to arrange an appointment to bring your new BRP to be checked and scanned
- Ensure that you do not exceed the maximum hours that you are allowed to work in a week during term time. Your BRP will state how many hours you can work in a week during term time
Attendance Conditions for Students on a Student Visa
All international students on a Student visa are required to attend all their timetabled taught sessions. The university will monitor your attendance to ensure your engagement and participation during your studies, based on the UKVI Student Sponsor Guidance which states that students must maintain satisfactory attendance.
Your responsibilities as an international student include:
- attend regularly your timetabled taught sessions
- tap in (with your student ID card) when you enter the classroom for timetabled session
- engagement in sessions
- active use of study materials
- report your absence to MyAttendance team
Further details can be found in the university's Student Participation Policy.
Your attendance is being monitored on a regular basis to ensure that you are engaging with your course to predict your progression and academic achievement, and possibly identifying and providing support if needed.
In the following section below, you can find the basic information related to your attendance requirements.
Monitoring Your Attendance
Your attendance will be monitored based on your timetabled lessons and tap in in the classroom. All students are required to tap in using their student ID card before start of their sessions. This should be no longer than 15 minutes before and 15 minutes after the beginning of the session.
If you forget your student ID card or forget to tap in, please notify the lecturer before or after the session and they can update your attendance immediately in the attendance monitoring system called TDS. If you forget to do so on the day, you can also email the lecture to confirm your attendance and inform the visa team at to update your attendance retrospectively.
TDS system works mainly as a tool to monitor your attend and is also available for you to see your overall attendance or report your absence. Please find further information in your Udo app, tile “MyAttendance” or find the online guide here: MyAttendance Guide.
Absence from Lessons
Based on the UKVI Guidance about your attendance and Student Participation Policy, we will monitor your attendance and contact you in case of absence.
If you cannot attend your timetabled lessons or you know you will not attend in future, you are expected to report the absence using the MyAttendance tile in UDo app. Your absence can be approved if you provide relevant medical evidence.
If you do not attend for:
- One week of your timetabled lesson, you will receive a notification about your absence.
- Two weeks of your timetabled lesson, you will receive a notification about your absence and will be contacted by the attendance monitoring team within the International Student Hub ( to contact them and explain your absence. Any evidence relevant to your absence should be provided.
- Three weeks of your timetabled lesson, you will receive a notification about your absence and will be contacted by the attendance monitoring team within the International Student Hub ( to contact them and explain your absence. Also, a W14 Notice of Intended Withdrawal would be issued and you would be expected to take steps to re-engage with your course. Any evidence relevant to your absence should be provided.
If you do not engage with the international student hub after the continuous absence, you will be in risk of being withdrawn from your course.
Any longer absences limitating your studies and regular attendance may be considered for an Authorised Break from Studies. This break allows students to pause your studies for up to one academic year and resume to complete the studies. However, this break means that the student's visa would be cancelled and you would have to return to your home country or switch do a different visa type. You can find more information on the following page under D12 section: Enrolment and Registration for Taught Programs.
Additional Course Specific Requirement
There are a few specific criteria for a specific international students on a student visa related to their attendance.
- Foundation Year Students should reach to aim attendance at least 85%. If your attendance drops below 70% of attendance for three consecutive months within the academic year, you will be contacted by the International Student team and re-engagement plan will be used to help the student to achieve the required attendance level. If your attendance would not improve, you would be issued a W14 Notice of Intended Withdrawal and you would be in a risk of being withdrawn due to lack of engagement.
- Postgraduate Research Students have a specific criteria for their attendance, please refer to the postgraduate research regulations.
Re-engagement Meeting
You might be invited to meet after receiving the W14 notice of intended withdrawal due to your non-attendance with the International Student Hub. During this meeting, we will consider some of the following:
- Any circumstances that led to the lack of engagement
- Illness, injury or hospitalisation with a medical evidence
- Your future actions that should be taken to improve attendance and prevent future absence
After you commit to the re-engagement plan, your attendance will remain monitored and your profile will be reviewed to ensure your regular attendance.
If your attendance does not improve or you do not engage with your studies, you still could be in a risk of being withdrawn.
You might be contacted by the International Student Hub if there are any other academic concerns or issues raised by academics.
Students with Settled or Pre-settled Status under the EU Settlement Scheme (EUSS)
To enrol on your course, you must provide the following as evidence of your right to study in the UK:
- The passport information page
- A code for us to verify your EUSS status. You can provide us with this code by going to 'view and prove your immigration status' and ensure you choose the ‘something else’ option on the government website
Pre-Settled Status validity
Your Pre-Settled Status will only be valid for five years. Once you have been in the UK for five years, you can apply for the EUSS again to be granted Settled Status. Please visit the UK Government website for more information on the EUSS and its validity.
If you have any questions regarding the EUSS, please send us an email at