Talks and lectures

public lecture

Mathematics is a universal language that helps us understand infinities and empowers success in our daily lives. In this Inaugural Lecture, Professor Ovidiu Bagdasar will explore a journey through pure mathematics, its real-world applications, and pedagogic innovations designed to support learners at the University of Derby and beyond.

Black textured background for the AR event

Ready to level up your creative career? Join us on Monday, January 27th for a day of inspiration, where you'll get to hear from experts working across the creative industry in Derby/shire.

Two woman engaged in conversation at a conference

The National Health, Wellbeing and Human Sustainability Conference brings together Practitioners in the fields of health, well-being, business growth and human sustainability to shine a spotlight on some of the key issues employers must consider when building a sustainable workforce.

Conference taking place in a lecture theatre at the University of Derby

Our Annual Learning and Teaching Conference invites colleagues to demonstrate, celebrate and share evidence of their pedagogic practice, pedagogic research and ongoing professional development in learning and teaching.

Happy people at a University of Derby event

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