Alumni and Graduate events

public lecture

In this inaugural lecture, Professor Neil Fowler will draw upon his 20 years of interdisciplinary research investigating aspects of chronic low back pain from cause to management. He will discuss how it is the questions not just the answers that matter most in research and what this means for the way we design and deliver education.

A female student with long hair smiling and wearing an orange t-shirt sat at a table amongst others

The Careers with Social Impact - Making a Difference Conference is an excellent opportunity for students and recent graduates to gain insights into public and charity sector careers with social impact.

a person dressed as dracula

In this talk, Dr Emma McEvoy considers some of the surprising music of early Gothic literature and explores the musical legacy of melodrama.

University of Derby Kedleston Road site

The Health, Psychology & Social Care Research Showcase is an established annual event that celebrates the fantastic work taking place across the whole college.

Happy people at a University of Derby event

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