Golding Awards

What is the Golding Award? 

The Golding Award is for an elected student voted for by their peers who they believe have positively contributed to the nursing community. This award aims to highlight and reward those who have gone 'above and beyond' in their approach as a peer, colleague or student. 

Why should you nominate students?

This award will help to recognise the achievements of our future nurses and midwives. Highlighting the good work, you are putting in not only at the end of your studies but throughout and it will hopefully encourage others to do so as well. 

Who is awarding it to students and how do they receive it?

The winners will receive prizes and certificates for their efforts and hard work. They may also be given a mention in Derby Daily if they wish. They will also be recognised within the Graduation Ceremony. 

When does voting take place?

Voting is to commence at the start of each month and finish at the end of the month, restarting each consecutive month. 

Why was the Golding Award created?

The Golding Award is named in memory and honour of Louise Golding, a long-serving member of staff at the University of Derby, who dreamed of becoming a nurse. 

After supporting students on their journeys for many years, Louise opted to become a student nurse herself. Despite illness interrupting her plans, Louise enrolled as a student nurse in 2021. Unfortunately, Louise was unable to achieve her aspiration, sadly passing away in 2022. 

So, who was Louise and why is this award so important? Louise has been described by her family and friends as a caring, lovely, precious, thoughtful lady. An inspiration. A special friend. Always thinking of others before herself. Louise was full of life and determination and always recognised the achievements of others, however big or small. 

Louise's legacy lives on through her daughter, who has designed the beautiful emblem for the Golding Award. A sunflower at its centre - one of Louise's favourite flowers, along with the accompanying lavender. The sunflower embodies positivity and strength, both of which Louise radiated in abundance. Her 'pearly white' smile lingers in the memory of everyone who knew her. It is an honour that Louise's legacy will also continue through the recipients of the Golding Award. 

Louise was an understated person who loved nothing more than kicking back in her 'trackies' with a crochet hook in her hand. She did not like fuss and would avoid being the centre of attention. However, she would be incredibly proud to know that 'normal' people, just like herself, were being recognised through this award, for their everyday achievements; for doing the best they can; and for keeping going. 

Helping others was part of Louise's mantra, aligning her values strongly with those of the nursing and midwifery students at the university. These individuals have committed to helping others in their roles; they can also use the Golding Award to acknowledge and celebrate one another's achievements. 

Image of Louise Golding for Golding Award
Image of Louise Golding for Golding Award
Image of Louise Golding for Golding Award

Nominate a student for the Golding Award

To nominate a student, please fill out the nomination form

Please note, this form is open to students of Nursing (Adult & Child and Mental Health, Midwifery and Nursing Associates) only.