FOI Publication Scheme

What is a Publication Scheme?

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) requires us to adopt a publication scheme. This sets out classes of information that we are required to make available; how this information is published and whether the material is available free of charge or on payment. Anyone may access information from this publication scheme.

The Information Commissioner issued a model publication scheme, which we adopted.

This scheme contains seven classes of information:

The classes of information will not generally include:

By adopting the Information Commissioner's model scheme, the University is committed to the following:

The act states that a publication scheme should be reviewed from time to time. We will regularly check our scheme for outdated information and review the operation of the scheme annually.

The Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 brought in changes to FOIA to include datasets. The changes stated how the information could be released rather than what was released. The introduction of datasets doesn't change what information is available under the act.

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