Data protection statements

General data protection statement

Any personal information you give to us will be processed in accordance with the UK GDPR / Data Protection Act 2018. The University will use the information to process your request and to provide any relevant further information (for example key facts and details about studying at the University, additional course literature or related educational services, open days, the application process, fees, accommodation etc.). It will also be used to support the University's marketing and market research activities.

The terms of the University's data protection notification can be viewed on the Information Commissioner's website.

Staff and student application statement

The information which you give will be used for the following purposes: to enable the University to create a computer and paper record of your application; to enable the application to be processed; to enable the institution to compile statistics, or to assist other organisations to do so, provided that no statistical information that would identify you as an individual will be published. The information will be kept securely, and will be kept no longer than necessary.

Student enrolment statement

The University collects, stores and processes personal data about students for the purpose of administering and managing the educational programme and all other services provided by the university; and will continue to hold data, including details of academic achievements, when students leave. The information will be disclosed to statutory government and educational organisations. The information may be disclosed to potential employers and other relevant organisations where necessary for the fulfilment of obligations.

Further education student statement

The personal information you provide is passed to the Chief Executive of Skills Funding ("the Agency" and, when needed, the Department for Education, including the Education Funding Agency to meet legal responsibilities under the Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009, and for the Agency's Learning Records Services (LRS) to create and maintain a unique learner number (ULN). The information you provide may be shared with other partner organisations for purposes relating to education or training.

Further information about use of and access to your personal data, and details of partner organisations are available at the Skills Funding Agency.

Attending events and marketing statement

The information supplied will be retained on a database and will be used for the purpose of course and event administration, and to compile either a paper delegate list to be distributed to all attendees at the event, or an electronic delegate list. It may be used for the purposes of advertising future courses and events and promoting the University.

User account information statement

The data collected in this form will only be used for the purpose of IT user account administration within the University and will not be disclosed to any third party, except within the terms of the Act. Electronic records will be deleted soon after the account is closed.

Library catalogue borrower data

Loans information will be anonymised and transferred to Capita (the provider of the library catalogue) for use with the "Recommendations" feature i.e.: when a book is selected it will suggest similar books that were borrowed by other borrowers.

Students who are on programmes funded by Health Education England and its Regional Offices

The purpose for collecting and sharing information with Health Education East Midlands (HEEM) is to use it as an accurate denominator to establish a true headcount figure of NHS funded students moving to employment within the NHS on completion of study.

The information that is shared with HEEM will not be utilised or shared in any other form than for the purpose for which it is collected and the information will be held in a secure system, in compliance with the Data Protection Act 2018.

The student to employment process requires information at an individual level, this information will not be seen or utilised for any other purpose than to follow the student into employment. This information allows HEEM to improve the workforce planning process, enabling the correct number of students to be commissioned to ensure the NHS has the right workforce in the right place with the right skills.

Team Derby & Derbyshire Institute of Sport

The information supplied to Team Derby and Derbyshire Institute of Sport will be retained on a database and will be used to support research and development at the University.

Students who are in receipt of a University Bursary or Scholarship who have received a book card as part of their financial award

The University will pass limited personal data (name and student ID number and e-mail address) to the Blackwell University Bookshop based at Kedleston Road. The information supplied will be retained on a database and will be used for the purpose of distributing Book Cards to be spent against books.

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