Public Health and Social Care postgraduate

If you’d like to make a genuine difference to people’s lives, choose our high-quality MA Social Work course.

Our range of relevant work placements will educate and inspire you, and our inter-professional learning approach will give you the opportunity to work alongside a range of health care and other professionals - making sure you are thoroughly prepared for your working life after graduation.

Successful completion of the MA Social Work course will give you the knowledge, skills and practical experience required to apply to the Health and Care Profession.

Postgraduate prospectus displayed on a phone, tablet and laptop

Postgraduate prospectus

Explore your digital postgraduate prospectus and find out what you need to know about studying with us. When you sign up, tell us what you're interested in and we'll send you a link to information put together just for you.

Explore your digital prospectusExplore your digital prospectus
Multi-Faith Centre, Kedleston Road

Postgraduate Open Events

Join us at an upcoming on-campus Postgraduate Open Event, where you will get the opportunity to meet our expert academics and find out more about your course.

Next Open Event: Wednesday 10 July, 3pm - 6pm

Book your Postgraduate Open EventBook your Postgraduate Open Event