Can I transfer to the University of Derby?

Transfer Eligibility

The transfer must be considered with a view to the further research necessary to bring a research investigation to completion. The further research required should be significant and not normally less than the equivalent of one year’s full-time studies.

Eligible applicants will only be permitted to enrol during our set intakes (January, March, June or September). It is advisable that applicants apply no later than 12 weeks ahead of their desired intake.

Applicants wishing to transfer with their current Director of Studies should start their application after their Director of Studies has commenced employment at the University of Derby.

Situations in which an applicant is not eligible to transfer

The University will not normally accept students wishing to transfer to the University who have effectively failed to satisfy requirements for equivalent awards elsewhere. It is also normally inappropriate to consider transfer if a student has already:

a. submitted their thesis or critical appraisal elsewhere, or 
b. been examined elsewhere, or 
c. is in or about to enter the writing up stage. 

Next steps for eligible students

All prospective students are required to apply via our application portal.

Before submitting your application, all prospective transfer students must contact their current institution, requesting the following information:

Progress to Date:

Applicants must also write their own progress-to-date statement, commenting on their progress to date, milestones completed and milestones remaining. Please also detail any equipment, facility hire, or other specialist consumables you may need access to.

Once this has been completed, please refer to the scenario that best reflects the circumstances of your application to transfer to the University of Derby.

Scenario 1: I wish to transfer my studies to the University of Derby with a new Director of Studies who is an existing staff member at the University.

If you have not done so already, we recommend that you identify a potential supervisor prior to submitting your application. The supervisor will be able to provide initial feedback on whether your research interests align with research at our university. If a member of staff is interested in supervising you, a formal interview will be arranged with you after your application is submitted.

To search for a supervisor, take a look at our list of researchers, Colleges or our Research Centres and Groups.

In addition to meeting our standard entry requirements, you will need to provide the following documents at the point of submitting your application.

Following submission of your application including all required documents, your application will be sent to the relevant College for consideration. If your application is successful, you will be invited to attend a formal interview.

Scenario 2: My current Director of Studies is commencing employment at the University of Derby, and I wish to transfer with them.

In addition to meeting our standard entry requirements, you will need to provide the following documents at the point of submitting your application.

Following submission of your application including all required documents, your application will be sent to your Director of Studies who will work with the College to identify a co-supervisor for your research project. You will then be notified whether your application to transfer is successful.

For both scenarios, please ensure that you have read the information below regarding funding, student visa implications, and enrolment information.

Fees & Funding: There may be potential financial and administrative implications of withdrawing from your current UK university. The funding agreement you have with your current institution may not necessarily be applied at Derby. You can find general fees and funding information at Fees and Funding for MPhils and PhDs.

Specialist Facilities and Equipment: If you currently have access to specialist facilities or equipment at your current institution, we cannot guarantee that the same specialist facilities or equipment can be provided at the University of Derby. Please discuss this with your potential supervisor.

Overseas applicants on an existing UK Student visa: If you are an overseas applicant who is currently studying at a UK University on a Student Visa, we would highly encourage you to contact our International Student Hub at for guidance on applying for a new Student Visa and UKVI requirements regarding your proposed transfer to study to University of Derby.

Please note, there could be other costs associated with your transfer, such as applying for a new ATAS certificate or additional International Health Surcharge (IHS) payments.


You will need to withdraw from your current institution as a condition of your enrolment at the University of Derby.