
icegs annual lecture 2021

8 December 2021

Constructing contextualized theories in career guidance and counselling

- A North-South Intercultural Dialogue 

Dr Marcelo Alfonso Ribeiro gave last year’s lecture from the University of Sao Paulo. Topic: Constructing contextualized theories in career guidance and counselling: A North-South intercultural dialogue.

There is a growing awareness of the need to address the disadvantages experienced by individuals living in or from countries described as being in the global south. The global south is a term often used to identify countries that are less economically developed and, therefore, lower-income countries. One of the ways to address disadvantages is through robust career development processes. However, there is inequality in the level of provision and the theories that support practice. In this lecture, Marcelo will consider the relations between power and the production of knowledge and the discrepancy between theory and reality in career guidance and counselling.  

Marcelo considered the need to contextualize theories and practices to be able to assist the users of career guidance and counselling services in a proper and effective manner. He explored some principles to extend the explanatory power of the theories in a contextualized way through a North-South intercultural dialogue. He provided an example of an intercultural approach in career guidance and counselling.

Marcelo Alfonso Ribeiro, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil 

Marcelo Ribeiro has been a career development practitioner since 1993. Marcelo is now an Associate Professor at the Social and Work Psychology Department (undergraduate and postgraduate studies) at the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, where he is a doctoral supervisor and Coordinator of the Career Counselling Service. He is a member of the UNESCO Chair in Lifelong Guidance and Counselling and the Brazilian representative of the Latin American Network of Professionals in Guidance and Counselling.  

Ribeiro, M (2022). Constructing contextualised theories in career guidance and counselling – A North-South intercultural dialogue. Derby iCeGS - International Centre for Guidance Studies, University of Derby.

iCeGS Annual Lecture 2021by Marcelo Alfonso Ribeiro

Constructing contextualized theories in career guidance and counselling - A North-South Intercultural Dialogue

#career #leaders