The iPGCE is a highly respected qualification that boosts the professional status, and transforms the practice of teachers all over the world. Equivalent to the academic content of a UK PGCE, it is applicable across the global diversity of education sectors. Whether you are a Kindergarten teacher in Kuala Lumpur, an English teacher in Lagos, or teach advanced Mathematics in Mexico, an iPGCE can help you do what you do even better.

The iPGCE can help progress your career, giving you the knowledge and confidence to enter school leadership, subject coordinator or pastoral roles. Equally, critical awareness of the differences as well as common principles in global education gives you the versatility to make new career choices, responding flexibly to a changing world.

Upon completing this course, you may wish to go on to a full Masters award such as our online MA Education which offers specialist pathways in Leadership and Management or TESOL. Credits gained on the iPGCE will count towards your Masters at Derby, considerably reducing the time and cost involved.

Utilise our Careers and Employment Service​

Whilst you are a student at the University of Derby, and for 3 years after you graduate, our Careers and Employment Service can assist you with job search advice, CV creation, workshops and events, as well as one-to-one appointments with employment advisers to help with career planning and interview preparation.