Course taster

The process model

Overview of the process model

The process model, first advanced by Stenhouse (1975), is seen by many writers as an alternative to the product model. It concentrates on teacher activities, learner activities and the conditions in which learning takes place.

In focusing on the nature of learning experiences, rather than specific learning outcomes, the process model appears to emphasise means rather than ends.

However, it can be argued that the prescription of learning activities provides the appropriate means of achieving the broad intentions of the curriculum.

Such an approach to curriculum planning may well lead to the idea that if learning activities are more important than prescribed content, the learner should have a part in deciding the nature of those learning activities.

The strengths and weaknesses of the model include the following:




In the process model, everything is directed at improving the process of learning. This includes assessment, which, instead of appearing at the end of the learning process (summative assessment), becomes part of the process, appearing at all points during a programme, providing useful feedback to teachers and learners as they go along (formative and diagnostic assessment).