Blog post

National Pi Day: A slice of Pi?

Sam O'Neill, Learning Technology Developer for Mathematics, explains the history of Pi and shares some fun Pi facts for National Pi Day.

By Sam O'Neill - 13 March 2017

3.141592…. and so on. Perhaps the most famous of mathematical constants, Pi dates all the way back to the ancient Babylonians.

Pi is a funny old thing and it is what mathematicians call an irrational number, albeit a perfectly reasonable one. The digits of Pi continue without repetition forever, that means that you are always writing down an approximation, no matter how many digits you calculate it to. In fact, that is why we use the Greek letter.

In essence it is the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter. In non-mathematical speak, take any circle and divide the length of its circumference by its diameter and you will always get Pi.

A pi circle diagram with circumference (c) and diameter (d) labelled

Fine, it’s got something to do with circles but what use is it in the real world?

The thing about nature is that circles and arc length (a portion of a circle’s circumference) appear everywhere. For example, take the simple pendulum that swings back and forth, like the one in a Grandfather Clock.

The pendulum traces a portion of a circle (an arc) as it moves and it turns out that, for low angles of swing, the time that it takes to swing back and forth involves Pi. This is called Simple Harmonic Motion, a concept any Physics student would have come across.

In fact, it transpires that Pi appears in some of the great equations of physics that describe how nature works. It can be found in General Relativity, Electromagnetism, Quantum Mechanics and Cosmology. This means that Pi really is at the very heart of nature.

Pi can also be found in the fields of engineering, electronics, statistics and probability. It is used in drawing, machining, radio, TV, radar, telephones, aerospace and so much more.

History of Pi

Although approximations of Pi date back to as early as 1900 BC, the first recorded method is that of Greek mathematician Archimedes. In around 250 BC Archimedes proceeded to trap a circle between two polygons. He could then calculate the perimeter of the outer polygon and inner polygon, meaning the value of the circumference is somewhere between the two. Adding more sides to the polygons gave a better approximation. Repeat until you’re exhausted!

Polygon approximations

Approximations for Pi entered a new phase during the 16th and 17th centuries as Mathematicians developed the infinite series technique. Here you add a series of numbers that follow a pattern together, the more of the pattern you add the better the approximation. Below is the Leibniz formula for approximating Pi. Spot the pattern!

The leibniz formula 1−1/3+1/5-1/7+1/9-⋯=Pi/4

As a nod to a couple of my old Professors, a personal favourite of mine from this period was not actually aimed at approximating Pi, but at solving another problem. Like someone crashing your party, Pi turned up out of nowhere. The work done on this led to something called the Riemann Zeta Function and you can still earn yourself a nice cool $1,000,000 prize for solving a connected problem, the Riemann Hypothesis.

The Riemann hypothesis

The modern quests for better approximations of Pi have arisen with the advent of modern computing. By 1949, using a desk calculator, D.F.Ferguson and J.Wrench had calculated Pi to 1,120 decimal places. This was quickly surpassed by the use of the first computer and the number of decimal places has been rising ever since. The number of decimal places that Pi has been calculated to, as of 11th November 2016, stands at a staggering 22,459,157,718,361. Wow!

Some fun facts

3.14 mirrored spelling out PIE

Pi in pop culture

And finally

A short mnemonic can be used to remember the first 7 digits of Pi. Count the letters in each word in the following sentence, the length of each word represents a digit of Pi. “How I wish I could calculate pi”. And so we come full circle! 3.141592….

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About the author

Sam O'Neill
Associate Lecturer (Mathematics)

I currently teach Mathematics at Access and Foundation level alongside my role in the Learning Technology Team.

I have a passion for both Mathematics and Computer Science and continue to pursue them in both my professional and personal life.
