Blog post

Hints and tips on studying at home

It’s a difficult time for us all at the moment with Coronavirus disrupting our daily lives and routines. Although, it is challenging doing a degree at the best of times, this current situation has, on occasion, made me feel overwhelmed under the increasing strain of lockdown. I have, however, found some useful practices to keep me both productive and healthy.


By Thomas Berrington - 20 May 2020

Managing my time

Managing my time effectively required a few basic necessities to start off with. A good night’s sleep is a vital start to hitting that motivational sweet spot. More than seven and less than ten hours is always a good measure for me.

Designated study area

Studies have shown that working in areas where you also do other activities such as napping (bed) playing video games (sofa) or watching YouTube videos (toilet) have a bad effect on your ability to do real work and vice versa. I found myself a space to use exclusively for studying that allows me to work effectively.

Optimum productivity

Many people have a “right time” they can work at and find that they are more productive- night owls who love to work into the wee hours of the morning or early birds who wake up energised. My own method is to do at least an hour of work a day. That may not be sound like much but a good productive hour can be of more use than five hours of daydreaming just looking at a textbook and not actually doing anything.

My lecturers at the University of Derby have been more than helpful ensuring that my education hasn’t been hindered by current matters and I still feel ready, more than ever, to join the real world workforce next year after my third year.

I have never felt alone or under-prepared and it is thanks to the “above-and-beyond” approach of the University’s support staff and their unrelenting commitment. Many universities have also implemented a non-detriment policy in which students will at least obtain their average grade so far in the year. This is to make sure those who have been most affected due to COVID-19 won’t be disadvantaged against their peers. This is a great step to ensuring an easy transition between the academic years.

An upshot of the current situation is that a lot of us have a considerable amount of free time that has opened many up to pursue forgotten or old passions. For me, keyboard piano and drawing have been at the top of my list and you’ll be pleased to hear I’ve learned three blind mice almost masterfully.

Remote study is something we all have been dealing with. Between the awkward pauses, and dodgy connections, it is commendable that lecturers keep to their promise of teaching and set up their own cameras, microphones, and lesson plans for us all, keeping our minds occupied (if only for a few hours a day).

This immediate and reactionary digital take-over of the education system will surely be echoed long after this virus has ended and it is thanks to all of those awkward pauses and dodgy connections that we still have an education to cheer on.

About the author

Thomas Berrington
Marketing and Media student at the University of Derby

I am a Marketing and Media student at the University of Derby. I enjoy writing about issues which aim to publicise key topics and stories affecting students, popular culture and local events.