Blog post

Annual Review 2017/18: International­isation

The University's Governing Council approved our new International Strategy a year ago, which focuses on developing mutually beneficial collaborations and working closely with educational institutions and businesses around the world.

By The Corporate Communications Team - 16 October 2018

Since then, we have seen a significant improvement in our international recruitment performance - including over 3,000 international applications last year, our first students graduating from HELP University in Kuala Lumpur in April and our first Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA) Global cohort joining us in September. We have also enhanced our in-country engagement, and developed initiatives to further internationalise the student experience at Derby.

Sustainable student recruitment

We have established Outreach Support Centres in China and India to support recruitment and partnership development activities. In October, eight senior University representatives travelled to China to open the support centre and visit potential partners, government agencies and agents. We are also using short-term courses in key regions overseas to raise awareness of the University internationally, while our summer school initiative allows us to establish our collaborative partners' students as both Derby ambassadors and a potential recruitment base. New Global Regional Engagement Groups bring together those with particular regional expertise from across our Colleges, enabling us to develop a platform to promote further international activity. Groups for China, South East Asia, Africa and Japan have already been set up.

International student experience

We are committed to enhancing the quality of the student experience by providing an internationalised curriculum and by offering study, work and volunteering opportunities overseas. Our International Student Experience Group was set up in November 2017, made up of a mix of academics and directorates. The group is so far working towards:

A new Student Experience Framework aims to globalise our students' outlook, from overseas travel to in-programme placements. A successful pilot in January saw 40 students visit Iceland, supported through the International Travel Awards scheme and led by the Student Experience team. Two further visits have since taken place to the USA and Hungary.

New Derby English Language Centre

We have established a new Derby English Language Centre, which brings together all of our English language courses under the banner of the Institute of Education. The Centre's provision, aimed at improving international students' English language skills within an academic environment, will be delivered both at Derby and overseas, laying an essential pipeline for overseas students to progress to our degree programmes.

International collaboration and research

This year, Derbyshire and Toyota City celebrate the 20th anniversary of their twinning agreement. The initiative supports our International Strategy by giving us a platform to enhance our profile in Japan with businesses and universities in and around the Toyota City area. Activities include cultural exchanges; a joint research project with a Japanese university focusing on nature connectedness and nature networks; opportunities relating to sports, with the city hosting the 2019 Rugby World Cup; and collaborations in motorsport for student grand prix and race car design through joint student projects.

Academic partnerships

We are proud to have strong academic partnerships with institutions across the globe. Our academics are collaborating with international colleagues on a wide range of research projects and exchange schemes, including:

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About the author

The Corporate Communications Team
University Press and PR

The Corporate Communications Team manage the University's Press and PR, putting forward academics, support staff and student representatives for 'expert comment' on different topics to local and national broadcast media. The team is highly experienced in communications and journalism - locally, regionally and nationally - as well as in-house and agency public relations.
