So that you are fully prepared for your career, we ensure that your skills and knowledge match current working practices in health and social care. The practical abilities you develop on placement will be underpinned and extended by the knowledge you gain through lectures, tutorials, workshops and simulated practice activities.

We harness latest technology in all aspects of the course. Modules are linked to the University’s Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), so that you have 24-hour access to relevant resources both on and off campus. We also capture ‘live’ lectures via Panopto which you can view at times that suit you via the VLE.

In addition, our students benefit from access to a range online resources such as Clinical Skills Net, an online resource offering video tutorials in essential clinical skills. The anatomy and physiology content of the programme is supported in a similar way through Wiley PLUS.

Who you'll meet

You will be taught by qualified health professionals with extensive experience of nursing and leadership roles. They have proven, sustained track records in higher education teaching, with most holding Fellowships of the Higher Education Academy.

Our staff keep up to date with latest developments in the sector by undertaking continuing professional development as part of their registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Council.

How you are assessed

There are a diverse range of authentic assessments within the programme.  Assessments are aligned to module learning outcomes and support students to build academic skill and professional development.  Assessment feedback and feedforward mechanisms encourage dialogue, provide action plans, and utilise academic, student, and practice support staff where required.  This ensures that students are fit for practice, purpose, award, and professional standing on completion of the award.

Each assessment within the programme has the following underpinning characteristics:

Assessment of practice learning is recorded in the Practice Assessment Document (MYEPAD), which is designed to support and guide students towards successfully achieving the criteria set out in the Future nurse: Standards of Proficiency for Registered Nurses and Standards for Education and Training (NMC 2018).  The MYEPAD is a regionally validated document developed collaboratively with other local universities.  The University of Derby continues to work in partnership to support a consistent approach to student supervision and assessment.