Professional Course

Strategic and Clinical Management of Long Term Conditions

Module details

Module code


Module level

Level 7

Module credits

20 credits

Next course date



12 weeks

Module description

About this module

Over the last decade the need has emerged to manage Long Term Conditions in a strategic way, in order for patients to remain in the community setting and only be admitted into hospital when acutely ill with an exacerbation. 

Having gained skills and knowledge in empowering patients to manage their own condition, the practitioner can further develop skills to strategically co-ordinate care.  

Who is this course for

Nursing and paramedic.

Learning outcomes

On completion of this course you should be able to:

Contact us

Learning Beyond Registration (LBR) +44 (0)1332 591992

If you want to find out more about studying a short course, please contact us and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

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Additional information about your studies

Minimum numbers

Please note that this course is subject to minimum numbers in order to run.