Research news

The Knowledge Exchange Framework (KEF) illustrates how higher education institutions support their communities and regions, with Derby performing well in the Local Growth and Working With Business categories.  

Two school pupils in a lesson

University of Derby research centre works with charitable foundation and local enterprise partnership to conduct four-year study in schools and colleges in the North East of England.

Theatre Arts Senior lecturer Ava Hunt wins C&YPN accolade for her works 'Journey of Destiny' and 'Destinies'

Crayfish pictured in natural habitat

PCR test used to detect presence of crayfish species through water samples as it becomes harder to find creatures through conventional means.

Book cover illustration

First Steps and Foundation Derbyshire supporting new book with a healthy eating message by sending it to all Derby and Derbyshire primary schools.

University of Derby Kedleston Road campus

Academics at the University of Derby have been ranked amongst the most highly-cited scientists in the world, according to research by Stanford University. 

Person walking or jogging through a park

More diverse activity programmes which suit individual needs are needed to enable more people to improve their health.

Picture of thoughtful child with hand raised to his mouth

Non-clinical measures to help teachers and other professionals working with children are not enabling them to catch all the detail needed to assess self-referential emotions displayed by a child.

The University's Nature Connectedness Research Group is working with the Yorkshire Sculpture Park and the Bronze Oak Project for an initiative due to launch in the Spring.

Picture of Covid 19 stats chart

Richard Self, recently ranked the UK's second most influential technology academic, criticises the data model used to analyse coronavirus pandemic information. 

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