Unaccounted Judiciaries and the Rule of Law in Post-Authoritarian Societies

An inaugural lecture by Professor Hakeem Yusuf

Inaugural lecture: Professor Hakeem Yusuf

In this inaugural lecture, Professor Hakeem Yusuf discussed what has happened to the judicial institution, and the rule of law in societies where there has been no accountability for the judiciary's role in an authoritarian past.

The judiciary in Nigeria has faced significant challenges for more than two decades since the country transitioned to civil rule after authoritarianism. Factors such as an imposed constitution from an un-negotiated political transition, a legitimacy deficit in political branches, a contentious federalism, and power struggles among the elite have contributed to this. Consequently, power has been thrust upon the judiciary, which is grappling with the legacy of military misrule. This has led to the judiciary being embroiled in controversy and facing a credibility crisis, worsened by accountability gaps and politicisation.

Professor Hakeem Yusuf

Born in Lagos, Nigeria, Professor Hakeem Yusuf attended the Universities of Lagos, Ulster and Glasgow. He is a Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Nigeria. He has taught at universities across the United Kingdom including the Universities of Glasgow, Queen’s Belfast, Strathclyde, and Birmingham. He won the prestigious John T. Saywell Prize for Canadian Constitutional Legal History in 2015.