Course taster

Assessing individuals with neurodiversity and/or LD needs

Adaptions in our approach to individuals in assessment and intervention is imperative to ensuring they will understand what is happening, can consent in an informed manner and can appropriately engage with the assessment. This means that we will be able to assess them accurately and effectively and then work productively in rehabilitative intervention. Without this responsive approach, they will not benefit as much as they may from the intervention we are delivering.

In the following activity you'll have the opportunity to reflect on the implications that neurodiverse and LD individuals have for our approaches.


Aim: To understand the implications of our approach to neurodiverse and LD individuals and how to support them.

Duration: 60 minutes

Feedback: This activity is not graded, and feedback will not be provided by the course tutor directly. However, there will be an opportunity to share and discuss your reflections in a live session. You can also share these reflections with your clinical supervisor and may wish to include these as part of your practice diary, which will be reviewed by your clinical supervisor (the link to the practice diary is not available in this course taster).

Task: Watch the interview below of Korey Wise who was wrongly accused, with other boys, of rape (this was later adapted into a TV programme ‘When they see us'). Watch part of this video (at least 20 minutes, more if you wish) and, in no more than 500 words, consider:

1 - What impact did the questions and questioning style have on Korey?

2 - What are the implications for Korey, his assessment outcome and you as an ethical practitioner?

Central Park Five - Korey Wise (Full Coerced Video Confession)

View Central Park Five - Korey Wise (Full Coerced Video Confession) video transcript

Link your points to the standards of proficiency, highlighting where your reflections are demonstrating competence for the following SoPs:

Standards of Proficiency (SOPs)

2.5 to respect and uphold the rights, dignity, values, and autonomy of service users including their role in the assessment, diagnostic, treatment, and intervention and/or therapeutic approaches process

2.7 understand the importance of and be able to obtain informed valid consent which is voluntary and informed, has due regard to capacity, is proportionate to the circumstances and is appropriately documented

2.12 understand the complex ethical and legal issues of any form of dual relationships and the impact these may have on service users

4.2 to use their skills, knowledge and experience, and the information available to them, to make informed decisions and / or take action where necessary

4.3 make reasoned decisions to initiate, continue, modify or cease treatment or the use of techniques or procedures, and record the decisions and reasoning appropriately

5.1 respond appropriately to the needs of all different groups and individuals in practice, recognising this can be affected by difference of any kind including, but not limited to protected characteristics, intersectional experiences and cultural differences

5.4 understand the duty to make reasonable adjustments in practice and be able to make and support reasonable adjustments in theirs and others' practice

5.9 understand the requirement to adapt practice to meet the needs of different groups and individuals

7.1 use effective and appropriate verbal and non-verbal skills to communicate with service users, carers, colleagues and others

8.15 understand the dynamics present in relationships between service users and practitioners