NHS Forth Valley Pre-operative Assessment video transcript

Hi welcome to pre-assessment.

You’re here so that we can assess your level of fitness to undertake an anaesthetic. If you’ve any queries at all regarding your surgery, please speak to the nurse prior to starting the assessment. Please answer all questions openly and honestly so that we can make an accurate assessment of your health.

Prior to your operation you will be seen by an anaesthetist who will be responsible for your safety and wellbeing during your surgery. Your anaesthetist will discuss the types of anaesthesia with you and agree a plan with you for your anaesthetic and for your pain control after the operation. Further information can also be found in this booklet ‘You and your anaesthetic’. Please read this booklet carefully and your anaesthetist will be happy to answer any questions that you may have.

If you develop a cough or a cold, your operation may be cancelled. If you’re in any doubt, please phone ahead and your operation date can be changed to allow you to recover. Arriving on the day with a cold will result in your operation being cancelled and the theatre slot wasted.

While you are fasting do not chew gum or eat sweets. Do not drink alcohol prior to your surgery.

On the day of surgery, please ensure that you follow the correct fasting instructions and take the medications as directed by the nursing staff at pre-op. Please remember to bring all your medications into hospital with you.

If you are being admitted to ward 18, the gynaecology ward, please report directly to the ward which is situated directly above maternity.

On your admission day, please leave the house in plenty of time. There are 3 designated parking areas at both hospitals but they do get very busy. On your arrival, you will be asked to wait for your theatre slot so please bring a book or a magazine. Unfortunately there are no waiting areas for relatives or visitors so if you have any special requirements please see the nursing staff. The anaesthetist and the consultant will both see you prior to your surgery. Depending what is happening in theatre, there may be unavoidable last minute delays or cancellations. The nursing staff will keep you up to date as to what’s happening.

You need to stop smoking prior to your surgery and if you are finding this very difficult, you must at least stop smoking 48 hours prior to your anaesthetic.

Please shower prior to coming into hospital and remember not to wear any make-up, nail varnish, moisturiser, perfume or talc. Do not shave the operating site as special clippers are used in theatre. Please remember to remove all your jewellery and piercings. If you’re having hand surgery you will be required to remove your rings. If you cannot take these off, please ask the nursing staff about this as they may be required to be cut off.

You can wear your glasses, dentures, hearing aid and wig to theatre. Acrylic nails are ok as long as there’s no nail polish on them. If you’re having an ENT procedure you can wear your pyjama bottoms underneath your theatre gown so please remember to bring your pyjamas in with you.

As you may have to walk to theatre, please bring your house coat, slippers and loose warm socks.

When you come into hospital for your surgery, it’s quite that you’ll get one of these devices inserted in your hand. It’s called a cannula, a vein flow or a drip. It’s got a needle inside it and it’s inserted through the skin, the needle is then removed and it leaves a small hollow plastic tube and it’s then secured onto the skin with a clear transparent dressing. The cannula is used to give you fluids or medications during your surgery or after your surgery and sometimes even for a blood transfusion. It can stay in for up to 72 hours but would be removed sooner if there was complications or if it was no longer required. Infection control is very important when dealing with these devices and all the nurses and doctors and healthcare staff will wear gloves or aprons when dealing with your cannula. Also for yourself, it’s very important that you tell us if the dressing becomes wet or soiled or there’s blood leaking from the site or it’s red or painful. It’s very important that you don’t touch or fiddle with your cannula or let your relatives touch it. When you’re having a shower, try and keep it dry but if you do get the dressing wet, let the nurses know and they can change it and it’s also very important that you don’t go home with your cannula so make sure it’s removed before you leave the hospital.

Once you’re back in the day surgery unit, you may find that you have an oxygen mask on and you have a drip in your arm. You will have to remain in the ward until your nausea has settled, your pain is under control, your blood pressure is within normal limits and you’ve had something to eat and drink. You will be given your post-operative instructions prior to leaving.

You need to give some thought to discharge home from hospital. You need a responsible adult to collect you, take you home and stay with you for 24 hours. You cannot drive home after an anaesthetic.

Please ensure that you take your entire belongings home with you as the trust cannot accept responsibility for any of your belongings. Do not drink any alcohol within 24 hours of having your anaesthetic.

NHS Forth Valley Pre-operative Assessment video

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