Tim Telford's experience of mentoring video transcript

[Tim] Help to grow has been a journey for me personally, I think it's taught me a lot and and highlighted a lot of new information that i need to go away and handle and digest and having a mentor has really been useful to me as an individual and also to my business because it gives you a different perspective, it's someone to use as a sounding board to to speak about new ideas and trying to not only get the company to a point of stability but also to grow and promote future growth for the business.

[Vince] When Tim and the others took on this challenge of going on the program. They've got businesses to run and they are involved hour by hour, minute by minute in those
businesses, trying to keep them going and things like that. So to try and step out of that and basically go on something like this, Tim's recognised that you've got to take a step out, you've got to have that time to think and that's all about trying to get this transformational leadership embedded in them.

[Tim] We've seen some clear benefits already, we've already gone through a program of transformational leadership. We're starting to give the team more ownership of projects and work and get them into the mindset of self-management and they are really shining through, the employee engagement has never been as high as it has right now. So we're already seeing the benefits and we're only just really touching the surface of what we can do as a business and this program's really highlighted where the skills gaps are and where the deficiencies are, where we need to improve.

[Vince] It probably took me 10 or 15 years from learning from lots and lots of different people and different industries to actually get all that information, whereas you could do an MBA or you could do the Help to Grow Management Program and it is condensed very quickly and it just touches all the key points that you should be looking at to run your business.

[Tim] You know, I can't recommend Vincent Middleton enough really, he's been great. Coming into the business looking at what we do, breaking it down into cold hard facts and saying "this is where I think you're weak or you need improvements". It's been an emotional rollercoaster i would say but well worthwhile.

Tim Telford's experience of mentoring video

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