Blog post

8 tips for mental wellbeing

Mental wellbeing is a topic that is close to my heart. As a university student, it is a subject which I know is important to many of my friends. Here are my top tips to self-care while enjoying your university journey.

By Simona Velcovska - 21 June 2019

Find balance

If you want to be chilled and happy, you have to live a balanced life. With that I mean you don’t have to spend 24/7 in the library and then have no social life. And you can’t spend all of your time focusing on your hobbies and neglecting your assignments.  You need a balance between the two.  To prevent burnout, in either area, the best solution is to have a little bit from everything. Which means spend some time at university or even at work, and also have fun with friends and enjoy life.

Building relationships

Another of the things that can help mental wellbeing is building relationships. Do not forget your friends, family or work colleagues, who will always be there for you whenever you have a problem. They are there to help you and support you. So, whenever you feel that something is not alright or that something is bothering you, do not bottle it up – discuss it with someone and find a solution together. If you are feeling alone, don’t forget you have a lot of people around you, so just go out with your friends or spend a day with your family.

Be active!

Of course, this does not mean that you have to spend hours in the gym. However, pay attention to how much time you spend indoors behind a computer or on your phone, remember to find that balance. Go out, run, bike or go for a walk with your friends, find an activity that works for you, what makes you feel good. Not only will this free up your mind away from studying, but you also breathe fresh air, that may help you with more rational thinking which can lead to new ideas.

Look after your physical health

Along with living an active life, physical health also needs to be something you pay attention to. It is very important to have a routine like regular diet, not eating too much junk food, but eating wholesome food like fruit and veg, drinking water and getting at least eight hours of sleep each night. If you do this, it will also help your mental wellbeing.

Set goals you can achieve

This is important. Many people set high targets which they can hardly accomplish, which then can easily spiral into worry or frustration because they think that they are not good enough, or they feel useless. But they do not realise that it is impossible to achieve such goals. Be a realist and set goals that might be challenging to you but, on the other hand, you know you have a chance to reach them over a period of time.  Take small steps to reach a bigger objective.

Do not underestimate yourself and do not punish yourself

As already mentioned, if you set smaller goals that can be achieved regularly to then achieve a bigger objective, everything will feel more manageable because you will see the success and, above all, you see the goal in front of you that you can achieve. However, no-one is perfect and we learn through our mistakes. So do not despair if you reach a hurdle or a challenge. Do not give up! You will get there one day. It might not be tomorrow, but it will be just around the corner. Remain positive.

Learn something new – constantly

Have you always wanted to know another language or how to cook? So why not to start now. You can learn new things beyond your studies that excite you too. Not only will you be happy to learn something new, no matter the scale, but it will also give you positive energy, strength and it will help you relax outside of university.

Live in the present moment

Of course, it is good to have something planned for the future, but it is not good to have everything planned ten years ahead. Enjoy the moment and the possibilities you have now, pay gratitude to your life and achievements to date. A positive mind-set will lead your future.

Finally, I just want to say, smile, and be happy, because every problem has a solution.

About the author

Student Simona on campus

Simona Velcovska
Student of Marketing focused on PR and Advertising

I'm a student from the Czech Republic who came to study Marketing because I didn't get that opportunity in my country. What I like about this decision is that I enjoy the different life here and the opportunities the University offers me. Among other things, I love travelling and learning about new cultures and especially people's stories.