D1 Enrolment
D1.1 All students who wish to undertake a programme of study with the University are required to enrol. Enrolment is the process by which students commit themselves to become members of the University, and to abide by its regulations and procedures.
D1.2 Students cannot enrol until they have demonstrated that they meet the entry requirements for their chosen programme, and have been formally accepted onto that programme. At enrolment students confirm the modules which they wish to study. Enrolment will normally take place at the start of the academic year but could, with the approval of the programme leader, take place at any time. All continuing students are required to re-enrol at the start of each academic year.
D1.3 In order to enrol, the student must either pay the appropriate tuition fee, or provide satisfactory evidence that the fee will be paid by a sponsoring body. Students are not permitted to attend classes until enrolment has taken place.
D1.4 Students are required to confirm that the personal details held by the University are correct, and to notify the College Student Centre of any subsequent changes.
D1.5 Enrolled students whose registration on their approved programme of study has been terminated on the grounds that they have committed academic misconduct, or on grounds related to the provision of information set out in section D2.4 below, will have their enrolment cancelled and will not be permitted to apply for re-enrolment until at least two full calendar years have elapsed.
In considering applications for re-enrolment in these circumstances the University will normally require from the applicant a written declaration that they understand the University’s Academic Regulations governing the offence they committed and that they undertake to comply with the regulations in future.
D1.6 Students who have committed a serious disciplinary offence and who in consequence have had their enrolment as members of the University cancelled will not be permitted to apply to re-enrol until a period of time specified at the disciplinary hearing has elapsed.
In considering applications for re-enrolment in these circumstances the University will normally require from the applicant a written declaration that they understand the University’s Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Procedure and undertake to comply with the Code in future.
D2 Registration
D2.1 Registration is the process by which students undertake to pursue an approved programme leading to a recognised award. Students must register for the programme to which they have been admitted.
D2.2 Students are required to declare during registration if they are registered for an award with any other academic institution. The University may decline to register such a student if it is judged that this circumstance will make it unlikely that the student would successfully complete the programme for which s/he is applying.
D2.3 Students may not normally register concurrently for more than one programme leading to a recognised award unless the award is an approved dual award with another degree awarding body. In all other instances the University may exceptionally permit a second registration if it can be demonstrated that the second programme supports and will significantly contribute to the main programme. In such circumstances a student’s registration on the main programme will normally be suspended for the period of study on the second programme, and the registration period of the former will be extended accordingly.
D2.4 The University reserves the right to terminate the registration of any student who has failed to disclose information material to the proper consideration of their application for or continuance on their programme of study, or who has presented misleading or false information in applying for their programme of study.
D2.5 A student whose enrolment has been cancelled under sections D1.5 or D1.6 may not be registered for a programme of the University unless and until re-enrolment has been permitted after the lapse of the prescribed period. If re-enrolment is permitted, the student will not normally be allowed to re-register for their original programme.
D3 Associate Students of the University
D3.1 Students who enrol on a programme but do not register for an award are classed as Associate Students of the University.
Credit earned as an Associate Student may be credited towards an award if the student fulfils the entry requirements for an approved programme and subsequently registers for an award. However, it will not normally be possible to credit more than 50% of the registered award in this way.
With the exception of students on exchange, undergraduate and postgraduate Associate Students who gain 60 or 40 credits respectively will be asked to confirm that they do not wish to register for an award.
D3.2 Associate students are:
(i) Those students not aiming for an award but undergoing assessment
(ii) Those students not undergoing assessment
(iii) Exchange students undergoing assessment at the University
(iv) Exchange students not undergoing assessment at the University
D4 Full-time and Part-time Enrolment on Undergraduate Programmes
D4.1 Although there is no academic distinction between study on a full-time, part-time or a fully online basis, students are required to declare at enrolment their status as either full-time, part-time or fully online so that the appropriate tuition fee can be determined and for monitoring and reporting purposes.
D4.2 The minimum and maximum number of credits for which a student may normally be enrolled (including modules being retaken) are as follows. Variations are permitted only in exceptional circumstances and with the express permission of Academic Portfolio Approval Group (APAG). A list of programmes permitted to operate with different credit limits will be approved and reviewed annually by APAG.
Student Status |
Credits per year at standard study pace, over 2 semesters |
Credits per year over 3 semesters, or accelerated route |
Maximum credits per semester |
Minimum credits per semester |
Full-time |
120 (max 140, min 100) |
180 max |
80 |
40 |
Part-time |
80 max |
120* max |
60 |
n/a |
*180 maximum will apply to students studying fully online
D5 Enrolment on Undergraduate Programmes - Rights and Responsibilities
D5.1 Students: Within the limits imposed by the programme specification and guided by other programme and University documentation, it is the student's right to enrol for the combination of modules appropriate to their individual circumstances or intended route to qualification for an award. Restrictions can be imposed only for managerial or logistical reasons. Students will confirm “online” to indicate that they accept responsibility for their selection.
D5.2 Staff: It is the responsibility of the programme leader to ensure that all the materials necessary to make informed and appropriate module selections are made available to students. It is the responsibility of the programme team to ensure that individual counselling is made available to students, including advice and guidance on the benefits and risks associated with different routes to qualification. Tutors are not responsible for approving module selections. Whilst programme teams may wish to confirm the choices made by students, a tutor's signature should not be taken as signifying approval, and is not formally required for enrolment on the programme to which a student has been admitted.
D6 Amendments to Programmes of Study
D6.1 Subject to the availability of places, students may change modules for which they are enrolled. Any such changes must normally take place within the first two weeks of teaching. Changes after this deadline will only be considered in exceptional circumstances and require the written approval of the receiving Programme/Module Leader.
D6.2 On undergraduate programmes there is the requirement for academic approval of a module change. Module changes may not be approved if there is an alteration to the award for which the student is registered, or a change in the mode of attendance.
D6.3 An amendment to a student's programme is not valid until the appropriate documentation has been completed and submitted to the College Student Centre. A student’s performance in a module for which they are not enrolled will not be credited to that student.
D7 Transfer between Programmes
D7.1 Students may transfer from one programme to another, subject to the approval of both programmes concerned. Transfers necessitate change to both the recorded enrolment and the registration for an award.
D7.2 Students on undergraduate programmes have the right to transfer to another programme if all the following conditions are satisfied:
(i) The student’s qualifications are comparable to those of other students on the programme to which they wish to transfer.
(ii) If the programme is professionally based, the student possesses the attributes required for entry.
(iii) The programme is not oversubscribed.
D7.3 Students may be transferred by the University as a result of programme validation.
D8 Withdrawal from a Programme of Study and Termination of Registration
D8.1 A student may withdraw from a programme at any time. A student wishing to withdraw must complete the online form via UDo to formally notify the University or Partner Organisation. Online learning students must inform their Online Student Advisor and partner students to their relevant department in the partner organisation. The withdrawal date will normally be the date this formal notification of withdrawal is received.
D8.2 The University reserves the right to terminate the programme registration of a student whose performance gives cause for serious concern, as demonstrated by wholesale or repeated failure (See Section F9.2) or lack of participation in the programme of study, as defined by the Student Participation Policy (see Section E). Termination of programme registration must be authorised by the appropriate College Registrar / College Management team. Students will not normally be permitted to re-enrol on the same programme.
D8.3 In the case of a withdrawal or termination of registration, the relevant Assessment
Board will consider modules successfully completed and will award appropriate credit which may, if the necessary requirements have been fulfilled, lead to an intermediate award. Where credits from higher levels are taken in fulfilment of the intermediate award these credits are considered to be spent and cannot be used in the future to obtain a higher award.
D9 Reapplication following Withdrawal from a Programme or Termination of Programme Registration
D9.1 Following withdrawal from programme registration as in D8.1 above, where the student requests reapplication to the same programme of study, applications must be made through the Admissions process of the University. Usual Undergraduate or Postgraduate assessment regulations will apply to the recommencement of study.
Following termination of programme registration as in D8.2 above, any application to an alternative programme of study must be made through the Admissions process of the University. If a place on the programme is offered, the date of re-commencement of study will depend on the point within the Admissions cycle that the application is made, the availability of places, and may also be subject to an agreed attendance and achievement agreement. Students should also ensure that any necessary funding is available.
D10 Professional Body or External Agency Requirements
D10.1 Regulations D6, D7, D8 and D9 above may vary in the case of programmes validated by an external agency or approved by a Professional Body.
D11 Period of Registration
D11.1 The target period of registration is deemed to be the normal duration of the programme plus a further two years to complete the student’s study within the maximum registration period. This period includes ‘catch up’ periods of study. For direct entry and entry with advanced standing the target period will be pro-rata that for whole-programme students, and the maximum registration period will be the direct entry target period plus two years.
Conferment of an award terminates the period of registration. The registration period for those students also registered for an award of a Professional Body may vary according to the regulations of that Professional Body.
D11.2 Students may suspend their studies for a period of time (see Section D13), subject to the approval of the programme leader.
For individual students, in the event the registration period expires before completion of the programme leading to an award, the student must submit an application to the appropriate Assessment Board for consideration. The Assessment Board is empowered, in compelling extenuating circumstances, to extend the Registration Period, on one occasion only for the student, by up to one year.
Exceptionally, on one occasion only, a further year’s registration could be granted in extenuating circumstances by the Request for Additional Consideration (RAC) panel or by the Professional and Postgraduate Assessments boards for undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. The student is required to submit a new application for consideration.
D11.3 Undergraduate Programmes:
Programmes are normally constructed and delivered so that students with a full-time commitment to study can complete the credit requirements over a target period. The maximum period for which a student may be registered on an undergraduate degree programme is two years above the target period.
In some skill or professionally-based programmes, a shorter period may be specified. This period may be extended by a further year if the programme involves a Placement or a Foundation stage. If the delivery of a programme facilitates an accelerated route, students may complete in less than the normal registration period.
i) Undergraduate Degree Programmes:
3 Year Programmes
Degree |
Target Period |
Registration Period |
Full-time |
3 years |
5 years |
Part-time |
6 years |
8 years |
4 Year Programmes (including Programmes with compulsory placement year)
Degree |
Target Period |
Registration Period |
Full-time |
4 years |
6 years |
Part-time |
7 years |
9 years |
Note: Professional undergraduate degree programmes may have specific Statutory Body registration period requirements. Where this is the case, details will be documented in the Programme Handbook.
ii) Foundation Degree Programmes:
Foundation Degree |
Target Period |
Registration Period |
Full-time |
2 years |
4 years |
Part-time |
4 years |
6 years |
iii) HND/HNC Programmes
Target Period |
Registration Period |
Full-time |
2 years |
4 years |
Part-time |
4 years |
6 years |
An award cannot be ratified if any of the credits contributing to the award were achieved more than 9 years prior to ratification.
D11.4 Postgraduate Programmes:
Students are expected to complete programmes of study leading to postgraduate awards within the minimum period that their circumstances allow; this is known as the target period. In deciding this target period for a programme leading to an award, individual students should be guided by the programme tutors responsible for admissions. Emphasis is placed on completing within the target period. The registration period is the maximum period permitted for the completion of a programme leading to a postgraduate award.
Award |
Target Period |
Registration Period |
PG Cert and MAdvD |
1 trimester to 1 year |
2 years |
PG Diploma |
2 trimesters to 2 years |
4 years |
Master’s Degree |
1 year to 4 years |
6 years |
Professional/Practice-based Doctorates
3 to 6 years |
8 years |
The registration period is ample time for the completion of each award. In highly exceptional circumstances an Assessment Board is empowered to approve an extension of the registration period for a period of up to one year having given due consideration to the severity of the circumstances and the currency of the learning achieved on the part of the student.
D12 Authorised Break from Study
D12.1 If the extent of disruption caused by admissible extenuating circumstances means that it is not practical for a student to continue on the programme in the current academic year, they may be advised to take a break from study.
The student may be advised to suspend their studies until such time as the circumstances affecting performance have passed, provided that the maximum period of registration for the programme is not exceeded.
D12.2 The authorised break from study must be for a minimum of one semester and should not be for more than one year. Students may commence the break in study no later than one calendar month before the end of teaching on the modules involved. Thereafter the extenuating circumstances process applies, where appropriate.
Exceptionally, and on one occasion only, in compelling and extenuating circumstances a current ABS may be extended up to one year by the appropriate Assessment Board with the support of the Programme Leader. This will be subject to registration periods and any additional requirements of professional bodies or external agencies. Where an extension to the ABS requires a registration period to be extended refer to D11.
Any other requests to extend ABS should be referred to the Request for Additional Consideration (RAC) panel or the relevant Professional or Postgraduate Board.
D12.3 It is expected that the student will return to the same programme and stage of study. If a student wishes to return to a different programme, a programme transfer must be requested.
D12.4 Students who are on an authorised break from study are not registered with the University, i.e. a student is temporarily suspending their studies. This means that in normal circumstances the student does not have the right of access to certain University facilities.
D12.5 The authorised break from study normally commences on the date the University is formally notified by the student of their intention using the online form within Udo. On receipt of the online form, the authorised break from study must be endorsed by the programme leader and the College Advisor. The College Advisor will explain the implications of the decision.
D12.6 When students resume their study any marks from fully completed and passed modules will still be valid.
Any modules where components of assessment had been undertaken and passed, but where the whole module had not been completed and passed will be cancelled and the student will retake the module in its entirety but will not be subject to capping as described in Parts F and G.
If the module assessment or the programme structure has not changed, components of assessment previously completed and passed may be resubmitted and the original mark retained.
Any components of assessment for the module not taken or not passed must be submitted as a first attempt.
Students should receive appropriate academic counselling to identify the most appropriate module enrolments and assessment requirements when they return to study.
D12.7 Students who require a break from study due to maternity absence are directed to the Student Pregnancy, Maternity and Paternity Policy. Where a father requires more than two weeks break from study this should be requested through the Authorised Break from Study arrangements.