F1 General Principles
F1.1 Explanation of Terms
(i) Assessment component - essays, presentations, group work activities, projects or other assessments (commonly termed coursework), and seen or unseen examinations. An assessment component may sometimes take the form of a number of smaller submissions or elements e.g. lab reports or short in-class tests. Only the mark for whole assessment components are recorded in the student record system with the appropriate weighting, and these are used to calculate the overall module mark.
(ii) Assessment criteria - the requirements of an assessment, used when marking a student's work. They are a useful guide to the student to indicate the expected content or approach for an assessment.
(iii) Deferral - an approved alternative, later deadline date for an assessment, usually as approved by a Request for Additional Consideration panel (Part I). A deferred assessment will be marked across the whole mark range, up to 100% (F5).
(iv) Referral - when a student does not pass a module at the first attempt they may be offered an additional opportunity to complete any components of assessment that did not reach the required threshold. If the referral work is of a pass standard the module will be capped at the minimum pass grade of 40% (F7.2).
(v) Retake - when a student has failed a module at the first attempt, including any referral opportunities there may be entitlement to re-enrol and retake the module in full. When retaking a module each assessed component will be marked using the full marking range with the final module mark capped at the minimum pass grade of 40% (F7.3).
F1.2 Awarding credit or learning achievements
Credits are awarded to students in recognition of their learning achievements, either within modules studied in their programme, or from recognised prior learning (Part C). Every module has a validated credit value, which is expressed as a number of credits at a specific level, see Part B.
F1.3 Learning Outcomes
A learning outcome is a learning achievement, which may take the form of the acquisition of knowledge, understanding, an intellectual skill or a practical skill. Learning outcomes are the basis for the learning and assessment strategy. Each module has a formally identified set of learning outcomes which help contribute to the achievement of the Stage or Programme Learning Outcomes. The learning outcomes, credits, subject content and the Level of the module together define the standard.
F1.4 Assessments
Assessments are designed to enable students to demonstrate performance towards achieving relevant to relevant stage or programme learning outcomes. The diet of assessments test the extent to which students have achieved these learning outcomes through the awarding of marks. Students must be informed of the assessment criteria which are designed to test achievement of the learning outcomes of the assessment task and indicate the level of performance required.
F1.5 Modules and Components
There are a maximum of two percentage-marked assessment components permitted in a module although some modules, usually those needing to satisfy a professional body requirement, may have a pass/fail component weighted at 0%. Where this is the case, only one such pass/fail component may be utilised creating a maximum of three components of assessment in the module.
The lowest weighting that can be applied to a percentage-marked assessment component is 10% and all weightings must be expressed as a multiple of 10%.
F2 Student Responsibilities
F2.1 Understanding what is expected
It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that they understand the assessment criteria and learning outcomes against which their work will be marked. Continual engagement with the delivery of the module is important to enable a student to gain this understanding (Student Participation Policy in Part E), and to fulfil their responsibility to the learning experience of fellow students.
It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that they engage with all components of assessment within a module. Assignments must be submitted by the formally declared deadline (See F9.1 regarding the effect of non submission of coursework or failure to sit an exam on Stage progression).
F2.2 Academic Misconduct
Students must understand what constitutes academic misconduct (Part J), including plagiarism, collusion, breach of examination room regulations (Part H), and ensure that they do not commit such offences in their studies and assessments.
F2.3 Request for Additional Consideration
It is the responsibility of a student to submit a claim for a Request for Additional Consideration where they wish an unexpected and severe situation affecting their performance to be taken into account. This must be submitted prior to the original submission deadline, with evidence and the work completed to date. (Part I)
F2.4 Support plans
If a student has a disability which affects their academic performance it is their responsibility to contact Student Wellbeing Service and discuss whether a support plan is appropriate. Support Plans identify a student's support needs, and are used to help a student engage fully with assessment.
F2.5 Research ethics
Students must comply with the University Research Ethics Policy and Code of Practice and follow the requirements of the policy as it relates to their studies.
F2.6 Legibility of work submitted for assessment
If handwritten coursework is judged by the examiners to be so illegible as to make marking impossible the work will receive a mark of 0%.
In the event that examiners find their difficulties in reading an examination script affects their ability to assess the candidate's work, they may ask the candidate to produce a typed transcript of all or part of the work. In such cases the candidate will be required to work under supervised conditions using a copy of the relevant parts of the original script, and will normally be charged a fee to cover the additional administrative costs. This fee will be determined by the Academic Registrar.
F3 Outcomes of Assessment
F3.1 Judging academic performance in an assessment:
In assessing a student's work, the tutor is required to judge the standard achieved in accordance with the criteria stated in F3.2. A mark is assigned on the basis of the mark descriptors in F3.2 and the level descriptors in B3.2. In the case of an examination assessment, it is the overall mark which matters, not the marks given for individual answers or sections.
F3.2 Undergraduate marking scale
This scale applies to Levels 3, 4, 5 and 6 in the University Credit Framework. The descriptors are typical characteristics of the standard of work associated with each range of marks. The descriptors are illustrative and for guidance only. They are not comprehensive. A mark of 40% is regarded as a minimum pass. See B3.2 for level descriptors.
IMPORTANT: An assignment may show the characteristics of two or more mark bands. The examiner should give careful consideration to the relative importance of the applicable descriptors as indicated by the assessment criteria in deciding the overall standard of the work and the appropriate mark to be awarded.
Some modules are validated to be marked as pass/fail; feedback will be given in line with the following Mark Descriptors.
% mark |
Mark descriptors |
Class |
70-100% |
Outstanding; high to very high standard; a high level of critical analysis and evaluation, incisive original thinking; commendable originality; exceptionally well researched; high quality presentation; exceptional clarity of ideas; excellent coherence and logic. Trivial or very minor errors. For the highest marks (90 - 100%): an exceptional standard of work illustrating thorough and in-depth understanding, communicated with exceptional authority.
First |
60-69% |
Very good
A very good standard; a very good level of critical analysis and evaluation; significant originality; well researched; a very good standard of presentation; commendable clarity of ideas; thoughtful and effective presentation; very good sense of coherence and logic; minor errors only.
Second division 1 |
50-59% |
A good standard; a fairly good level of critical analysis and evaluation; some evidence of original thinking or originality; quite well researched; a good standard of presentation; ideas generally clear and coherent, some evidence of misunderstandings; some deficiencies in presentation.
Second division 2 |
40-49% |
A sound standard of work; a fair level of critical analysis and evaluation; little evidence of original thinking or originality; adequately researched; a sound standard of presentation; ideas fairly clear and coherent, some significant misunderstandings and errors; some weakness in style or presentation but satisfactory overall.
Third |
35-39% |
Overall marginally unsatisfactory; some sound aspects but some of the following weaknesses are evident; inadequate critical analysis and evaluation; little evidence of originality; not well researched; standard of presentation unacceptable; ideas unclear and incoherent; some significant errors and misunderstandings. Marginal fail.
Marginal fail |
21-34% |
Below the pass standard; a poor critical analysis and evaluation; virtually no evidence of originality; poorly researched; presentation unacceptable and not up to graduate standard; ideas confused and incoherent, some serious misunderstandings and errors. A clear fail, short of pass standard.
Fail |
1-20% |
Very poor
Well below the pass standard, with many serious errors. Standard of presentation totally unacceptable, incoherent and may be severely under- length. No evidence of evaluation or application. A very clear fail, well short of the pass standard.
Fail |
NS |
No work has been submitted.
Fail |
Z |
Academic misconduct notation
Applies to proven instances of academic misconduct.
Fail |
F3.3 Assessment component marks
(i) The Undergraduate marking scale applies to individual assessment components undertaken by students of modules at Levels 3, 4, 5 and 6 in undergraduate programmes. The examiner identifies the mark descriptor which most closely reflects the quality of the work and awards and records the mark.
(ii) If the module involves two or more assessment components, a mathematical weighting is applied to reflect the relative importance of each component. These weightings will be used to compute the overall mark for the module.
(iii) Overall module marks will be rounded to the nearest whole percentage point. Calculations of level averages will be to 2 decimal places.
(iv) In the case of Honours degree, Integrated Master’s degree, Foundation degree & HND/C programmes, classifications are applied to the final award (F14), and are indicative only at module level.
F3.4 Module mark
The relative weightings are applied to the marks achieved in each component of assessment in order to calculate the overall module mark.
To pass a module, and therefore be awarded credit, the weighted aggregate mark for the module must be at least 40%. Where this has not been achieved, credits are not awarded and the referral regulations apply (F7.2).
For some modules, where there is a compelling academic requirement to pass specific component(s) of assessment e.g. where there is a PSRB or health and safety requirement, the minimum threshold of performance is set at 35% for that component. ‘Minimum Threshold Performance’ components must be designated as such at the time of validation or be approved through the relevant curriculum modification process.
At level 6 only those modules marked 40% or above can be used to satisfy the minimum credit requirements at level 6 (B4.4).
F3.5 Feedback
Students are entitled to feedback on all assignments and this may be verbal, or in written or electronic form. Feedback on examinations is available on request from the marking tutor.
F3.6 Designated Deadline and Assessed Extended Deadline (AED)
Work must be submitted by the published designated deadlines.
The exception is where a student has been granted an Assessed Extended Deadline via a university approved support plan. In such circumstances the student should ensure that the support plan is discussed with the module leader at the earliest opportunity. Any work submitted past the designated deadline or AED is deemed late.
Note: Where the AED is not in line with the assessment or professional requirements of the programme outlined in the programme specification and module handbook a further discussion between the student and module leader may be required and outcomes documented appropriately.
See F6 for Late Submission regulations.
F4 Passing Modules
F4.1 If a student passes a module, by achieving an average mark of at least 40%, the credit is awarded by the Assessment Board. It is not possible to retake a module that has been passed, unless there is allowance made by an external body associated with the programme, explicitly stated in the programme specification.
F5 Deferral
F5.1 Consideration in respect of illness, or other valid cause, is given only if the student concerned has submitted a formal written Request for Additional Consideration claim with their work and has provided acceptable evidence according to the regulations in Part I. If the Request for Additional Consideration panel decides to uphold a claim one of the remedies is to offer the opportunity for the student to submit a fresh piece of work by a revised deadline. This is a deferral.
F5.2 Deadlines for resubmission of work will usually be within the same academic year. In the case of examinations the student will normally be directed to take the assessment at the next available exam period.
F5.3 The full range of marks will be available provided the work is submitted in line with the approved deadline. For work that is submitted after the deadline refer to F6 late submission.
F5.4 If, following deferral, the assessment is not submitted by the stipulated date, the assessment is considered failed, NS will be recorded and the referral regulations apply (F7.2).
F5.5 Students who have an Assessed Extended Deadline identified in their approved support plan will be entitled to a deferral. Where appropriate the AED can be added to the deferral deadline for the period of time stipulated in the plan.
F6 Late Submission
F6.1 Work which is submitted after the designated deadline (including any formally approved agreed Assessed Extended Deadline) for a coursework assessment is deemed late.
F6.2 Work received after the designated deadline will be recorded as a Non-Submission (NS), unless there is an approved Request for Additional Consideration application that approve either a) an extension or b) a deferral (Part I – Request for Additional Consideration Policy)
F7 Failing Modules
F7.1 A module is failed if:
(i) The work submitted across the components of assessment is not of a high enough standard to warrant an overall weighted aggregate mark of at least 40% for the module.
(ii) One or more assessment components is identified as ‘Minimum Threshold Performance’ and has a component mark of 35% of less. In such cases the maximum mark shown for the module will be 34% regardless of the actual weighted aggregate mark.
(iii) If a student fails to submit any components of assessment for a module a mark of NS will be recorded for the module.
(iv) The student has committed academic misconduct and a penalty of failing the module has been imposed (Part J).
If a student fails a module, the appropriate option from the following will apply:
F7.2 Reassessment opportunity in a component
A. In-Module Retrieval:
In-Module Retrieval (IMR) is available for coursework assessment only. Students who have not achieved the minimum pass mark in an assessment task at the first attempt will be given an opportunity of reworking that assessment task. This rework would normally be submitted within 7 days from receiving feedback from tutors.
In-module retrieval is available for all coursework assessment tasks for undergraduate level modules unless there are module and /or programme specific requirements or Professional and Statutory Regulations that mean this is not appropriate or applicable. These exceptions should be outlined in the programme specification, programme handbook and ‘assessment brief’ as appropriate.
- IMR is not permitted for students who have already achieved a pass mark on the first submission;
- IMR is only available if a student has made an attempt at the original assessment task. Students who fail to submit work by the submission deadline, are classed as Non Submission (NS) and are therefore not permitted an opportunity to have an IMR attempt;
- Students cannot claim AED against an IMR attempt;
- Students cannot claim a Request for Additional Consideration against an IMR attempt. They may claim Request for Additional Consideration for the first assessment within the timescales prescribed in the regulations. In cases where Request for Additional Consideration are submitted for the first attempt, but no decision has been made before the IMR deadline, the IMR opportunity is still available. If the Request for Additional Consideration is then accepted, students would have two options:
- (i)Take a deferral attempt which would not be capped and would be a new piece of work. IMR cannot be used as a deferral attempt;
- (ii) Decline the Request for Additional Consideration and take the IMR mark.
The highest mark that can be awarded for an IMR assessment component is 40%
The mark awarded for an assessment following In-Module Retrieval will be recorded alongside with original mark for the component to be considered by the appropriate Assessment Board:
(i) The initial module grade will be calculated using the weighted average of the original component marks. Where the weighted average is 40% or higher this mark will be retained and the IMR mark will not be used. The module mark will remain uncapped.
(ii) If the initial module grade is less than 40% the IMR grade will be used to replace the initial component mark and a new weighted average calculated.
(iii) If the IMR mark is lower than the initial mark the higher mark will be retained.
If a student does not take the IMR opportunity or fails to reach a module average of 40% having failed the IMR, the student will be entitled to a referral opportunity, as per referral regulations.
B. Entitlement to referral:
Students are normally entitled to one referral opportunity in any assessment components where they achieve a mark of less than the minimum pass or minimum threshold performance. The deadline for resubmission of work will be at the next assessment point. In the case of examinations, the student will be directed to take the assessment at the next available examination period. If work is submitted after the deadline, it will not be marked and a Non Submission (NS) will be recorded.
The referral assessment will normally involve the same task as the initial assessment unless there is good reason for a new task to be used – e.g. if the assessment was an unseen exam, where the unseen nature of the questions is important, or where the reassessment may involve an individual task to replace a group activity.
Any and all entitlements to referral can be removed following proven academic misconduct, or if special conditions apply to meet the requirements of an external agency.
C. The mark awarded for an assessment following referral:
(i) The highest mark that can be awarded for a referred assessment component is 40%. If that mark is achieved, it replaces the original component mark on the student’s marks profile.
(ii) A referral mark of less than 40% will also replace the original component unless it is lower than the mark obtained at the first attempt.
The student’s marks profile will show both the first and second attempt marks.
D. Recalculation of the module mark following referral:
Following re-assessment, the overall module mark is recalculated using the marks recorded for the referred assessment(s) (if higher than the first attempt mark) and the standing marks in the assessment components which were passed at the first attempt.
If the recalculated module mark exceeds the minimum pass threshold of 40% the module will be capped at 40%, unless the original module mark was >40% and the reassessment was of a ‘Minimum Threshold Performance’ component, in which case the original module mark will be retained.
If a student fails to achieve a module pass mark following the initial referral attempt they normally have the opportunity to retake the module in the next available session (F7.3)
F7.3 Retaking modules
If following any referral opportunity a student has failed a module (mark below 40%) or has failed a ‘Minimum Threshold Performance’ component, there is normally an entitlement to re-enrol for, and retake, the module in full once more. Retaking necessitates attendance and requires completion of all the assessments. Any assessments are taken ab initio with no marks from the previous attempt at the module carried forward.
If a student fails the module, including the referral opportunity on the second retake there is no automatic entitlement to retake the module. The offer of a third retake attempt is at the discretion of the Progress Assessment Board, and will only be made if there are compelling reasons to support that decision. This may be subject to any additional requirements of relevant professional bodies or external agencies.
The maximum overall mark available for a retaken module is 40%.
F7.4 Compensation at Module Level
Failure in modules with a value up to 20 credits per level may be compensated providing the grade attained in the module to be compensated is 35% - 39%, and the overall average mark for the level is at least 40%.Programmes with accreditation through Professional, Statutory, Regulatory Bodies may have requirements that do not allow compensation.
Modules validated with a pass/fail marking scheme are not eligible for compensation.
The overall average will be calculated from the best 120 credits in the level. Students must achieve a minimum of 300 credits at 40% or above for the award of honours or 400 credits for a programme with an integrated foundation stage. For a Bachelor’s degree (unclassified) where only 60 Credits are required at Level 6, compensation is not permitted.
Level |
Credits marked at 40% or above |
Compensated credits |
Level 3 |
100 |
20 |
Level 4 |
100 |
20 |
Level 5 |
100 |
20 |
Level 6 |
100 |
20 |
The decision to offer compensation of credit will be taken by an Assessment Board after a student has used up their rights of referral, and will be made at the point of progression or award.
F8 Recommendations of the Undergraduate Assessment Board
F8.1 Following consideration of the evidence of student performance in assessment, an Assessment Board may recommend that the student should pass, or be referred, or be deferred or should fail a module. Where it is recommended that a student should pass a module, the Assessment Board will confirm the number of credits and the level of the credits to be awarded in respect of the module.
It is important to note that marks for all assessment components will be considered at Assessment Boards, and only those marks will be accepted as formal marks for the module. Students will be deferred or referred in named assessment components and will be required to resubmit work for the whole component.
Exceptionally, following a ruling made in consideration of proven academic misconduct, a student may be required to take a module again. The criteria for retakes are set out in F7.3.
Following consideration of a student's profile of marks, and the progression standards, the Assessment Board will recommend whether a student should progress to the next stage of study, continue in the same stage, or have their programme registration terminated.
At the conclusion of a student's programme of study, the Assessment Board will consider the student's profile of marks and determine whether the profile qualifies for an award, and at what classification. The criteria for these are set out in F14.
F8.2 Professional Qualification Boards
These operate according to requirements specific to the programme, as identified at validation.
F8.3 Viva voce examinations
Students may be required to attend viva voce examinations under validated assessment regulations for the programme. Attendance at such examinations is obligatory and students must ensure that they make themselves available if called to attend.
If students fail to attend, the Assessment Board will make its decision only on the evidence available, the student having foregone the opportunity to add to that evidence.
F8.4 Formal release of marks
The University will release module and award results on-line through appropriate student systems, currently College Student Centre. Students should therefore make themselves aware of publication dates as this will affect their rights under Part K4 Making an Appeal. These results might still be subject to ratification by an Assessment Board on behalf of Academic Board.
Students are expected to accept or reject referrals opportunities by the required deadline. Failure to do so may result in a referral examination not being scheduled.
F8.5 Results publication and notification
Students may view module results and classification outcome within the My Grades section of the College Student Centre. At the end of each stage of the programme of study a Statement of Achievement will be available to every student to print from their College Student Centre. This will list all modules taken by the student which can count towards an undergraduate award, together with any modules (credits) approved through RPL thereby showing the total number of credits at each level achieved to date.
Upon gaining the undergraduate award a Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR) will be issued electronically. This report provides the transcript of grades achieved, the final classified outcome, programme learning outcomes and any verified extra-curricular activities undertaken throughout the period of study.
F9 Progression Standards: Recommendations and Requirements
F9.1 Progression through the levels
Students may not normally attempt study at a higher level until they been assessed in at least 120 credits at their current level and achieved at least 100 credits, including a maximum of 20 credits for a compensated module.
(i) Non-Submission
Where a NS grade has been recorded as a final module result, students will normally be required to recover on a part time basis.
Where there is evidence of appropriate engagement and if supported by the Programme Team, the offer to progress to the next stage of study with an NS grade in a module is at the discretion of the Assessment Board.
The Assessment Board should consider the full student profile and any programme Professional and Statutory Regulations in reaching a decision, with serious deliberation given to progression where core and pre-requisite modules have not been attempted, in order not to disadvantage the student in the next stage of study. Any decision to allow progression with an outstanding module NS must be in the best academic interests of the student with full justification for approval recorded in the Assessment Board minutes.
Where progression is approved, the student will carry the module into the next stage of study subject to the limits in the table in 9.1 iii.
There may be programme specific requirements, or Professional and Statutory Regulations or assessment briefs where progressing with non-submission is not appropriate or applicable. These exceptions should be outlined in the programme specification, programme handbook or assessment brief.
(ii) Compensation at Progression
The offer of compensation is at the discretion of the Assessment Board and would be applied at the point of progression where appropriate, where 80 credits in the level have been passed at 40% or above, and subject to the requirements of F7.4 and in the table below in 9.1iii.
There may be programme specific requirements, or Professional and Statutory Regulations or assessment briefs where compensation is not appropriate or applicable. These exceptions should be outlined in the programme specification, programme handbook and assessment brief.
Where two modules are eligible for compensation the Assessment Board will direct that the core/pre-requisite module be retaken. If both or neither eligible modules are core/pre-requisite, the Board will use its discretion to determine the most appropriate module to compensate, usually the module with the higher weighted aggregate.
(iii) Progression with module shortfall
No progression may occur unless 100 credits or more have been awarded at the current level.
The maximum compensation and module retake credits available are shown in the table below:
Level |
Minimum total credits passed and compensated to progress |
Minimum credits at 40% or above |
Maximum credits compensated |
Maximum credits to retake in next stage of study |
Level 3* |
100 |
80 |
20 |
20 |
Level 4 |
100 |
80 |
20 |
20 |
Level 5 |
100 |
80 |
20 |
20 |
Level 6 |
n/a |
100 |
20 |
0 |
*Year zero modules as part of a 4 year programme with foundation, where applicable, are eligible for compensation.
Students may not progress to Level 4 if there are any outstanding Level 2 credits. Level 2 credits are not eligible for compensation.
Students may not progress to Level 5 of the degree if Level 3 credits requirements have not been met.
Students may not normally progress to Level 6 of the degree if Level 4 credit requirements have not been met.
For extended undergraduate degrees there may be specific progression requirements due to the number of credits that are taken at the same level in different stages.
There may be programme specific requirements, or Professional and Statutory Regulations or assessment briefs where progression, trailing modules is not appropriate or applicable. These exceptions should be outlined in the programme specification, programme handbook or assessment brief.
F9.2 Minimum performance
The University reserves the right to restrict or redirect the studies, or terminate the registration, of any student whose performance gives cause for serious concern, as demonstrated by repeated or wholesale failure. A full-time student must pass at least 40 credits in each year of study. Failure to achieve this will result in automatic failure and termination of registration for the programme.
F10 General Credit Requirements
F10.1 Undergraduate Degree Programmes
The credit requirements for achieving an award are given in B4.4. In some cases, such as transfer between programmes, one module may be counted towards the total credit of a different level, where the learning outcomes and subject are considered to be appropriate.
Early exit qualification: Credits obtained at a higher level may substitute for those at a lower level if a student terminates their studies at the University prior to completion of the award for which they were registered, and substitution would enable the student to satisfy all the specific credit requirements of an award associated with a lower level. Any resulting award will be the highest possible based on the number of credits achieved.
If a student accepts the award of a Bachelor’s Degree (non-honours) they may not return to the same programme to continue for an Honours Degree.
F10.2 Higher National awards
The table below indicates the minimum number of credits and the levels at which they must be achieved, that apply to all HND/HNC programmes.
Award |
Minimum number of credits required for the award |
Minimum number of credits at Level 5 |
240 |
120 |
120 |
120 |
All credits must be at Level 4 and above.
The following classifications apply to HNC and HND module results only:
Class |
Percentage |
Distinction |
70% or above |
Merit |
60% or above |
Pass |
Achievement of the credit requirements |
Early exit qualification: If a student terminates studies at the University before having completed the general and specific credit requirements for a named HND or HNC award, the student may qualify for the award of Certificate of HE or Diploma of HE if the University’s general credit requirements for that award have been satisfied (or could be satisfied by allowing credits attained at level 5 to substitute for those at level 4).
F10.3 Dual awards
The credit requirements for achieving a dual award are given in the programme specification, and will be greater in volume than for a standard degree awarded solely by the University.
F11 Qualification for an Award
F11.1 In order to qualify for an award the student must have satisfied both:
(i) The general credit requirements for the award; and
(ii) All the specific requirements defined in the intended learning outcomes for the programme, for each of the stages leading to the award.
F12 Confirmation of an Award
F12.1 Confirmation of the award terminates, automatically, the student's registration for that award and the credits attributed to it are considered to have been 'spent'. They cannot be used again to qualify for an alternative award at the same level but could be used to gain direct entry to a higher level programme.
F13 Exceptional Cases
F13.1 If an Assessment Board or programme leader believes that the circumstances of a student are such that an injustice would be done by conferring an award only on the basis of credits and marks achieved, a case can be made for special consideration.
If the appropriate action is considered to be beyond that which can be taken at module level (F9), the supporting documentary evidence must be submitted by the programme leader to the Student Policy and Regulations team, where an initial judgment on the validity of the case will be made against set criteria with further information sought when necessary.
All submissions that satisfy the criteria will be presented to the UABEC, for special consideration in respect of an award. The Board will be governed by the University's regulations on Aegrotat (A5) and other awards in the event of extenuating circumstances.
F14 Classification of Awards
F14.1 Bachelor’s Degree with Honours
When a student's body of work has qualified for an honours degree award (see Section B4.4), and satisfies professional requirements where applicable, the classification of the degree is decided at the Assessment Board.
If the weighted average of the marks meets or exceeds the threshold mark, the associated classification will be awarded.
If the weighted average of the marks falls into the borderline range, the final year performance will be considered to determine the degree classification.
The details of these criteria are shown below.
Degree classification
A weighted average of all marked credits at levels 5 and 6 is calculated, truncating to one decimal point:
Level 5 average x 0.2 + Level 6 average x 0.8
Where more than 120 credits have been achieved at a level, the highest marked 120 credits will be used for the calculation.
In the case of dual awards, where more than the number of credits expected at a level as stated in the programme specification has been achieved, the compulsory modules and the highest graded expected credits required for the award will be used for the calculation.
The weighted average will be compared with the threshold marks for each classification (see classification table). If the weighted average mark is equal to or greater than the threshold mark, the student's performance will be awarded that classification. No other measures are considered unless the result falls within the borderline range.
Classification table
Classification |
Threshold mark |
Borderline range |
First Class |
70% |
68-69.99% |
Second class division 1 |
60% |
58-59.99% |
Second class division 2 |
50% |
48-49.99% |
Third class |
Achievement of credit requirements for honours see B4.4 |
n/a |
Borderline consideration
If the weighted average falls into the borderline range, the profile of marks will be reviewed against a final level performance indicator (mark profile): at least 60 credits at level 6 must be at or above the threshold mark.
If the mark profile matches or exceeds the threshold mark, the student will be awarded the higher classification.
F14.2 Determination of Honours classification following Direct Entry or entry with Advanced Standing
(i) If the mark average for the penultimate level cannot be calculated, e.g. because the student was a direct entry to the final stage or the student studied abroad for the whole of stage 2, the mark average for the final level will serve as the overall performance indicator.
(ii) Note specifically that in the case of a student who has achieved a Foundation degree and been admitted to the final stage of an Honours degree, this constitutes direct entry to the latter and the honours classification will be based on level 6 credits only.
(iii) Whilst learning recognised by RPL may enable a student to qualify for an honours award, for an average mark to be calculated at either of the final two levels the student must have achieved at least 60 marked credits at the level concerned, by study at the University. If the level concerned is the final level, the mark profile requirement is that more than half the number of credits achieved at the final level must be seen to match or exceed the class of honours awarded.
F14.3 Integrated Master’s Degree
The normal undergraduate regulations for assessment apply to modules at Levels 4, 5 and 6 and the normal postgraduate regulations apply to modules at Level 7.
Where a student has failed to complete the full Integrated Master's Degree but has sufficient credit to be awarded a bachelor's degree, the calculation follows the normal rules for undergraduate degrees as stated above except that the overall performance may include level 7 credits, and therefore the final level characteristics average mark will be taken from the highest marked 120 credits at levels 6 and 7, weighted at 80% plus 120 level 5 credits weighted at 20%. The mark profile for borderline cases will be taken from level 6 marked credits.
The calculation of the Master’s classification follows the rules set out in the Postgraduate Assessment regulations (G11).
F14.4 Foundation Degree
When a student has qualified for a Foundation degree the classification of the award is based on the average of all the graded credits (up to a maximum of 120) achieved at level 5. If more than 120 credits have been achieved at level 5 the highest graded 120 will be selected for the calculation.
Classification |
Average Grade at Level 5 |
Borderline range |
Distinction |
70% or above |
68-69.9% |
Merit |
60% or above |
58-59.9% |
Pass |
Achievement of the credit requirements |
n/a |
Borderline consideration
If the weighted average falls into the borderline range, the profile of marks will be reviewed against a final level performance indicator (mark profile): at least 60 credits at level 5 must be at or above the threshold mark.
If the mark profile matches or exceeds the threshold mark, the student will be awarded the higher classification.
F14.5 Higher National Awards
When a student has qualified for a Higher National award the classification of the award is based on the average of all the graded credits (up to a maximum of 120) achieved at level 5 for a HND and at level 4 for a HNC. If more than 120 credits have been achieved at level 4 for an HNC or level 5 for an HND, the highest graded 120 will be selected for the calculation.
Classification |
Average Grade (at Level 5 HND or Level 4 HNC) |
Borderline range |
Distinction |
70% or above |
68-69.9% |
Merit |
60% or above |
58-59.9% |
Pass |
Achievement of the credit requirements |
n/a |
Borderline consideration
If the weighted average falls into the borderline range, the profile of marks will be reviewed against a final level performance indicator (mark profile): at least 60 credits at level 5 (level 4 for HNC) must be at or above the threshold mark.
If the mark profile matches or exceeds the threshold mark, the student will be awarded the higher classification.